Tyrion and Bronn are so awesome together, they would fit right in a Tarantino movie. Here is episode one of the Tyrion and Bronn story.

This is from the first two season’s of the TV serie, please don’t post any spoilers from the books. I dislike spoilers, so spoilers will be deleted. Save me and you and few seconds and don’t post them.

– – – Only season 1 is up yet – – –



  1. I think Bronn might be the finest fighter in all of Westeros. Sure, his technique is inferior to double-handed Jaime or alive Prince Oberyn. But what he lacks in technique he makes up for by lacking arrogance, lacking honour and lacking compassion. Basically, all that gets you killed, he lacks.

  2. Love the fact that Bronn has absolutely nothing to do with the whole situation while all the other soldiers got some connection with Cat or the Starks/Tully… and Bronn draw his sword nonetheless 😀

  3. When tirion said he has to study and make his mind sharp and that fighting is not his thing because of his size, I thought maybe he had a little bit of training. When I saw him smash the guys face I knew he was smart enough to have combat training.


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