So why isn’t the Iron Man suit made of Badassium then?

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  1. What Is The Point Of The 9 Realms?
    When Thor came out, we didn't know how extensive the MCU's cosmic setting was going to be, so it was fine to take it as, say, 9 worlds of great power or importance or just that they were inhabited. Sure, Jotunheim fell into some Dark Ages but the rest were probably on that same "so technologically advanced, they're magic" level. Well, no, Svartalfheim turned out to be a lifeless wasteland. And Guardians of the Galaxy introduced us to several planets and civilizations that had nothing to do with the 9, and Asgardians are familiar with most if not all others. So…what is their significance?

  2. In Doctor Strange's movie the only time a mention of where it is in the timeline of the MCU was Doctor Strange saying something about the avengers's job of protecting the world, to which The Ancient One replied that the avengers protects the physical world while their job was to protect the…uuh spiritual/supernatural world(i forgot the exact line), so the events of Doctor Strange happened during the timeline when the avengers took place, 2 years in real life before the events of 'The Winter Soldier' occured, in movie time that could have been a few years.

    During Thor Ragnarok, we can all see that Doctor Strange has become quite the sorcerer supreme we all know of and have been monitoring all the avengers and loki, with Thor consulting Strange, showing Strange's dominance over even alien beings, now, Thor Ragnarok would have probably occured during 'The Civil War' which explains why Thor and The Hulk were missing during the events of the Civil War. That means that Strange would have become very powerful in a very short span of time, with Shield unable to ignore such person who has amassed great power in a short span.

  3. What makes Hela worthy enough to hold on to Mjolnir?  In Thor: Ragnarok, Thor throws Mjolnir at Hela.  She catches and holds it for several seconds. Thor tries to call it back to his hand, but she easily maintains her grip.  If she were unworthy, Mjolnir should fall to the ground. They do show  a pictograph of her wielding Mjolnir in the past when she was fighting alongside Odin. But she was banished some time after that, and Mjolnir was given to Thor – but it wasn't until the first Thor movie that Odin placed the worthiness enchantment on Mjolnir.  Hela returns, and is still able to hold on to Mjolnir.  What does it mean to be worthy in the MCU?

  4. Regarding the gauntlet. Did you not notice that the one in the vault is right-handed, while the one Thanos wears in the clip you showed is on his left hand.

    I don't know if that makes a difference. Just thought it was weird that it wasn't pointed out

  5. I think Zola's algorithm targeted strange exactly because he was a self serving type. Such a person could never abide a world under hydra's heel, as it would cut into their personal freedom. Knowing that, and taking into account how utterly top of the class he was in his field it makes sense. Less, "get rid of this guy cause he'll be magic in da future." And more "oh jeez guys, get rid of this overly talented medic who would defect from our regime at the first opportunity."

  6. Zola’s algorithm scans potential threats and those that would not support hydra from all past life experiences and seeing as strange while and arrogant self absorbed human that he is won’t actually
    1. Follow orders and would rather do his own thing.
    2. Isn’t your definition of a bad guy nor has any ties to hydra or would want to have any ties to them.
    3. Has money to possibly support and anti-hydra cause if need be.

    Then yes the algorithm would mark him for sure

  7. One thing you guys are all missing is that Strange's car crash takes place around the time of Iron Man 2 (as alluded to with the line about a broken back from experimental armor). Plenty of time between then and Winter Soldier for his movie to happen, or for him to go through a portion of his training.

  8. Before Dr Strange has his crash he is on the phone and they mention war machines crash in civil war but I always thought that could of been the solider in Iron man 2 that gets twisted in half? Possible?

  9. Odin didnt die in darkworld. He died in ragnarok. If u remember Dr.Strange Where He and thor talked. Dr. Stranger took loki and thor to odin. Which odin died on himselg


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