Is Superman in The Dark Knight Rises?

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  1. I read somewhere that also on the silence of the lambs poster the wings of the moth contain a picture of The Great Red Dragon, to reference the Red Dragon story that happened before Silence Of the Lambs, but I don't really see it, does anyone know if it's true?

  2. Quite a coincidence that the aliens in the Indiana Jones movie and even allegedly in real life have a slightly deformed version of human and other Earth organism anatomy, even in terms of skeletal structure. That couldn't POSSIBLY be a matter of using actual bodies of persons with deformities to dupe the human cattle, could it?

  3. Doesnt everyone know what morse code looks like and the code for SOS? That passengers bit wasn't exactly a secret, it was front and center on the poster and I spotted it pretty much instantly.

  4. You honestly didn't know that Indiana Jones 4 was going to have aliens in it? It's the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull!! Even if you didn't read about it, there were a bunch of shows on the History Channel and National Geographic before the movie came out.


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