Uncle Donald, what did you do in the war?

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  1. My problem with the Pokemon theory is that not only Ash is still young, but everyone around seem not to have aged a day. Misty and Brock have shown up on and off and appear to be the same ages too, despite new looks. I surpose that it is possible for the dream to include those around him as them changing would also affect his journey, but that would apply to other people that saw Ho-oh too, which woul lead to so much happening at once as a result.

  2. Here's a fun walking dead theory. The sickness in the prison proves that Judith is Ricks daughter. Both Judith and Carl are immune to the sickness but if they get that from Lori the chances that Rick is also immune is very unlikely.

  3. The Pokemon Anime is spirit up into 3 different Universe. Universe 1 original to D/P U3 B/W to XY and U3 Sun and Moon. This explains why Ash grows up in from the original though to D/P and then seems to be 10 again in BW and less smarter. BW is not consistent with the previous series.

  4. Star Trek had a similar episode where people living in cloud cities enslaved the people on the surface. With the Jetsons though, they'd have easier access to raw materials in space from asteroids. They'd probably still need some biological materials for their food processors, at least to replace losses during the recycling process, so maybe there are some farms. Then again, robots would be likely be more efficient than stone age people.

    More likely the Flintstones are a remnant of humanity the Jetsons left behind. Maybe they were given genetically modified animals so they wouldn't pursue technological advances, and they'd have to expend a lot of effort producing food to feed them. That would keep the Flintstones more confined to certain areas and away from and below the Jetsons.

  5. The Saved by the Bell theory makes perfect sense. I never seen Good Morning Miss Bliss but I know it takes place in Indiana, so yeah Zack's dream is of what most people believe a high school in southern California would be like in the 80s/90s

  6. I thought "Supernatural" takes places in the upper echelon of Hell.
    I mean,…… being able to see actual corporeal ghosts, demons and angels. Both Ruby and Meg in the first 3 seasons hint that the boys keep killing demons and sending the demon souls to the bottom of the pit only to have the demon souls climb back to the top, and where do they reach the top? In Sam and Dean's level. Being able to associate regularly with the King of Hell, therefore, they are in Hell. The episode where they are being pursued by Michael and Lucifer to use their bodies as vessels, and they are killed and supposedly go to "Heaven", and they meet the friend there who had died and watching their activities on his computer and tells them outright the boys keep dying over and over again and keep volunteering to go back to demon hunting, and if not on planet Earth, therefore Hell. Fallen angels, therefore Hell. A place where God cannot be found. A place where magic not only works, but works right the first time, so …Hell. And of course, Sam and Dean get into all kinds of fights and battles and have been stabbed and shot and beat up so many times, yet zero scars on their faces or bodies, therefore they are not humans on planet Earth. Hmmmmm, able to see demons and hang out with the King of Hell, and I noticed that when it came to fighting the super-evil Leviathans and such, Crowley was shown to be holding back watching Sam and Dean doing all of the fighting instead of helping them, meaning that Sam and Dean are actually the guardians of those in the top level, the place reserved for those who died who were guilty of having told lies without repenting. All the people in the upper-most part of Hell don't realize they are dead or in Hell, and are there because they told too many lies or were guilty of swearing and cursing or drinking or doing drugs instead of going to church. And the only plants that grow are potatoes and corn and lettuce and tomatoes and apples but rarely fruit trees or carrots or broccoli. Oh and wheat grows and cows, but no fish, no salads on the menu….therefore, Hell.

  7. So, if the "OC" one is true does that mean his character from "Southland" is actually the same guy, using his real name, who, after his time in the O.C. went to the police academy and became a policeman himself? Is there a chance that this same character is now hiding out in Gotham City as James Gordon?


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