When the snows fall, and the white winds blow, all of these things will happen.

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  1. coming back and watching this only one came true (gendry is back) and one was teased (cleganebowl) and one i thought they might tease at the end when sansa and arya were looking over the castle ( ned being alive)

  2. excuse me but there is one problem with your theorie about ned stark 😀 the faceless guys can only imitate people when they have killed you and took your face. so in the end ned stark is dead anyways no metter if it was the real ned stark or not.

  3. I believe there are going to be seven that defeat the night walkers. The light is made of 7 colors.

    Dany represents the mother
    Tryon the father
    Jon the warrior
    Sansa the maiden. In the book she's still a virgin.
    Bran the crone (a crow crone)
    Gendry the Smith
    Arya the stranger

  4. Ithink deeneryas "the mother of the dragin" (or how it spells) is not the villian, Becouse he has the birtright to the chair as far we know, it could be jon snow, But everybody still thinks he is a basterd son of ned stark. And i think deneryas"mother of dragos etc" is just doin what has to be done, Sure she can be little bit mad sometimes but i still think she does what she does cuz it needs to be done becouse she have the birthright to the chair and cersey refuse to step down "wich is no suprise cuz i think she is the new (MAD QUEEN) and if u remember in season 1-2 dont remember wich season but cersey and the lanister send someone to kill her unborn child while she was pregnant. So if cersey is pregnant i think denaryas dont give a Fu*k about that becosue cersey killed her unborn child i think she wants to cersey to taste some of her own medecin. It wouldent suprise me cuz this serie is full of suprises, manipulation and death when u atleast expect it. i root for daneryas and jon snow and hes little bro ron. And if it comes out that jon is the rightfull air (how it now spells) i think daneryes is gonna be mad but i think it will play out 3 ways after they kill cersey (hopefully or even more hoprfully that Tyrion or jamie kills her like the witch shad when she was little and so far everything has come true for her after visiting her, put to the point 1. jon and daneryas is gettning married or somethink like that. 2. They are gonna fight to the death and the survivor gets the chair or 3. That jon gives the iron throne to her becouse he dont want it and are happy with is possision as the king of the north and they have a great relationship after that and keeps working togher 🙂 About the night king or what he is called i dont have any therios about that more then ithink its NOT ron. As many have said that i think is bullshit, i think the night king could be like the mad king or something cuz if u remember when ron was in that cave etc, it was ron that made the mad king to " BURN THEM ALL BURN THEM ALL" and thats why i think the night king has a connection to ron in someway. Hope u enjoy reeding my toughts and therios the one that actully did it. And just fir my one sake leave a thumps up if u think some of my therios was good. Have lovley day. SHEMALE FIST! i wtach to much piediepie 🙂 And soory for anny miss speels iam really high and i hope no one cares about that 🙂


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