THIS is why Thanos gave Loki the scepter…

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  1. None of these bugged me except for the Pollock reference. The explanations are usually loose enough for interpretations to be made by fans, it seems to me that people just don't pay much thought to it in the grand scheme of things.

  2. So is the mind stone doing Thanos's bidding in Avengers 2? It seems to implant an idea in Starks mind. That sends him down the road to build Ultron. If not for the mind stone vision/delusion/paranoia/precognicion… Tony would never have made Ultron. Ultron himself has always been a plot hole of convenience showing up from a corner of the internet whenever the villain needs to return. We'll see if that continues in the films.

  3. 1. I thought that he turned into the Hulk on the Heli Carrier because of the injuries to his body. He hints to this beforehand when he states he tried to kill himself with a gun and the "other guy" spit it out. Hence, bodily harm as Bruce Banner could potentially also turn him into the Hulk as a means of self protection if you will.

  4. When Nick Fury said that they're other superheroes, he was obviously thinking about Captain Marvel, and not Captain America cuz he got unfrozen after the events of Thor and just before The Avengers!!! The upcoming Captain Marvel Movie explains that the movie is set in the 90's, when Fury still had both eyes!!!

  5. I always thought Zemo was contacted by Loki and told him to find the video tape that could destroy the Avengers. In the movie where Loki and Tony are talking, Loki said it was his plan to bring everyone together. Tony said it wasn't a good plan, but it all lead to the mightiest heroes having a civil war. Loki took his time and he destroyed the Avengers because that is what Thanos wanted and why he gave Loki the stone. Loki was manipulated by Thanos from the very beginning.

  6. did'nt SHIELD and HYDRA find a way to fix EXTREMIS and to stop the blowing up side affect, and if they did the EXTREMIS is still out there maybe in HYDRA or SHIELDS hand's or even SWORDS hands

  7. The MK 4 suit was built to be portable and not powerful. Extremis can work better now with Stark's mind. He avoids using it because he doesn't want someone to become dependent on it.

  8. Zemo's plan hinged on iron man and captain america being at the bunker together. If it was just captain america and bucky, then it would have failed. His plan had too many variables to have really worked.

  9. Not sure why anyone would think 10 an issue in the first place, Whiplash is using evergy whips charged by an arc reactor that heat and crush Tony's armour, that one also seeming to be weaker in trying to make it more portable to begin with, where as Thor, if you pay attention his armour takes similar damage as the Whiplash fight on the arm that blocks and all, and most of the energy is directed right into the reactor. 9 and 8, yeah, those sum it up. 7 – are people for real, the Loki line explains it and as I recall in Thor Loki mentions his other possible ways to be seen without alerting Heimdall. 6, exactly. 5 – 2 words given the machinations behind the screens "CAPTAIN AMERICA" the First Avenger. Plus Hulk, plus now well after the fact Antman, captain Marvel, original Wasp, etc. The core idea, yeah, plausible, how many stories use it, but the exact way Zemo's plan goes down….. serious Deus Ex Machina needed..Point of that movie was science gone wrong, and Pepper he cured because she might go supernova and was terrified she'd hurt him and yeah, people went insane. He saw what it did to a bunch of wounded ex-military volunteers under killian and like he wants to put Rhodey through that. 2. Again really? a man with his history you see in 1, he becomes obsessive, he needs to build and he can't stop himself, end of story. 1: uh, yeah, the Norton film is still MCU Cannon and at the end, he's tryingto control the Hulk, as I recall you even see parts of him in Hulk form, though, I believe once he Hulk's out, banner has limited control of the Hulk.

  10. Also on the Tony Quits Iron Man thread, he breaks it down for Steve in CIVIL WAR. "I almost lost Pepper. So I quit. Then Hydra came back, then Ultron showed up, and then and then and then…. I can't quit, because the truth is I don't really want to." It was the whole reason he's not with Pepper anymore.

  11. ALSO People complain about Spider-man Homecoming broke to timeline by 8 years.But do you know what's the time of Battle of New York in Mcu?We Watch to movie in 2012 but maybe in Mcu event happened in 2010.

  12. The hulk "plot hole" was disproven in the Incredible Hulk when he is training to control the powers. The plot hole I want answered is in Age of Ultron, why does he suddenly need Natasha to calm him down when he has control over his powers!?!

  13. Ehhhh another criticised part of Zemo's plan is that the special forces sent to find Bucky initially after the UN bombing were ordered to shoot to kill. Although it is quite likely Bucky would have survived this encounter without Captain America you've also got to remember that Black Panther ALSO was trying to kill Bucky at the same time. Had anyone succeeded in this Zemo's plan would be down the drain. And another criticism is that the accords that were drawn up were entirely in response to the mistake of Scarlet Witch in the opening scene which also had nothing to do with Zemo. Just another coincidence that happened to play into his hands but also CRUCIAL to his plan nonetheless, or at least that is what Zemo implies. Without the accords Zemo's plan doesn't work either. All it would have done is united the Avengers to find Bucky then eventually pissed off Tony, not started the Civil War.

  14. 7:44 Banner Suddenly learns to control his Hulk powers. All you need to do is look at the end of The Incredible Hulk Movie to know that he learned to do that before the Avengers Movie. At the end, Banner is in his cabin in the woods, sitting down and breathing with clinched fist. At the bottom, words and numbers say "Days without incident". It went from 31 all the way to 0 when Banner forced the transformation into the Hulk.  You're Welcome.

  15. There's also the whole "8 years later" thing from Spider-Man which implies that Spider-Man takes place in 2020 since The Avengers came out in 2012. However, since Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Thor and the end of Captain America (when he wakes up) all took place in the space of a week in 2008 (known as "Fury's Big Week") it makes sense for The Avengers to take place a year after that in 2009 (with Iron Man 2 happening somewhere in between). Meaning that Spider-Man does in fact take place in 2017.

  16. 1. It was also shown in the post credit scene of the Hulk with Edward Norton, which is official given the addition of Thunder Bolt Ross in Civil War, he was meditating and his eyes glowed green with a smile, showing he has had control for a decent time


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