A lot of people die in Game of Thrones. A lot. Here’s some of biggest surprises from Seasons 1-4.



  1. Ned was definitely the most shocking. His was the first major character death of the show. I think he was probably the favorite character of all newcomers to the series, and to see him die off in such a way with so many questions unanswered was very dramatic. The look on his face was unbelievable as well, as you can see him thinking, "Is this really happening?"

  2. People that are still alive but need to die really badly…!
    10. The Mountain (For real!)
    9. Balon Greyjoy (Yeah, I know.)
    8. Janos Slynt. (Ditto.)
    7. Cersei Lannister (Though I'd hate to see her go.)
    6. Meryn Trant (Personally, I think his death would be the most gratifying)
    5. Roose Bolton (by Lady Stoneheart's hand! Please, HBO!)
    4. Theon Greyjoy (Sorry, Theon.  I've felt bad for you ever since you said you're real father died in King's Landing – but you gotta go.)
    3. Ramsay Snow (Like Cersei, he's so bad he's good.)
    2. Little Finger (Please, by Sansa's hand!)
    1. Walder Frey (the North Remembers)

  3. I'm guessing this list was made before the death of Oberyn Martell. That death was more shocking then the red wedding IMO, and it was certainly the most talked about episode in the series. It should at least be in the top 2. A couple honorable mentions that I think could possibly replace the buthcer's boy would be the death of Syrio Forel, Yoren of the night's watch, Qhorin halfhand, and certainly Tywin Lannister- murdered on the privy by his own son.


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