10 Reasons Game of Thrones is Better Than the Bible

Hemant Mehta ( ,

— All the books have a disclaimer up front saying it’s a work of fiction

— The author openly admits he was inspired by the works of those who came before him

— As far as I can tell, no one’s ever been oppressed or had their rights taken away by someone who read the Song of Ice and Fire series.

— The writing is just better

— Fewer people die

— When people die in GoT, at least you understand why it happened

— Not as many contradictions from one book to the next

— Less incest

— Game of Thrones fans don’t knock on my door unexpectedly to tell me how great the books are.

— One is full of monsters, adultery, death, sodomy, beheadings, incest, blood, slavery… and the other is written by George R. R. Martin. But Martin’s books aren’t seen as a guidebook for morality.
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  1. Haha haha haha haha some people can only read in 1 way. Others can read and understand what they have read as art and good art can be seen and seen and seen again and each time you look you see more. The art just keeps on giving. The Bible is art. Take it literally and you are a Christian. That it as art and you find the truth. Or read it put it down and remain lost. Ever notice that all lost people don't understand where they are??

  2. If you're gonna say that x book is better than the bible, a least pick a good book, not an overrated pop phenomenon. IDK : Beloved or Anything by Tony Morison (If you're gonna pick current literature)

  3. To all you Catholics. Ok right now if I write a book on a God I made up and then some how got everyone to forget about God would they belive my book of course they will cause they belive in the bible

  4. I´m an atheist, but am I the only one that think that if we consider the Bible as fiction it is actually very entertaining? I mean, I see the bible as Harry Potter, A Song of Ice and Fire or The Lord of the Rings and it has some pretty cool moments too: David vs Goliath, the epic battles between angels and demons, etc… If people didn´t take this things seriously it could actually be a good Tv Series or Movie saga, also, if you read the Bible you will laught of how many Deus ex Machina moments it contains (just like the Ents or the Eagles in Lord of the Rings) and people actually believe this stuff

  5. "One is full of monsters, adultery, death, sodomy, beheadings, incest, blood, slavery… and the other is written by George R. R. Martin. But Martin's books aren't seen as a guidebook for morality." Actually, both of them are full of most of those things. There's a TON of adultery, death, beheadings, incest, blood and slavery in Game of Thrones. So this should have been "BOTH are full of…But Martin's books aren't seen as a guidebook for morality."

  6. Well, you could make anything sound better than The Bible. Let's be clear, it's not all bad. Many inspiring quotes and anecdotes can be found there- but as far as it being good-that's about it.

  7. REBUTTAL: 1. " All the books have a disclaimer up front saying it's a work of fiction.": The Bible does not because it is not fiction.

    2. " The author openly admits he was inspired by the works of those who came before him." : So does the gospel of Luke, at the same time this does not contradict being inspired by the Holy Spirit. For he was inspired and guided by the Holy Spirit to do so. Christians take the "Plenary Verbal Theory", Plenary meaning whole, full, and complete. While verbal refers to the words of scripture. This theory gives freedom to the human author and the complete involvement of God. With the Plenary Verbal concept God chose His author from birth and gave him the leads, experience, tools and education, gave him leads in research and helped him select every single word. This concept is associated with Evangelical and inerrancy. There are three other "inspiration theories" as the following; Dictation theory, Limited inspiration theory AKA Conceptual Theory and the Neo- Orthodox Position.

    3. " As far as I can tell, no one's ever been oppressed or had their rights taken away by someone who read the Song of Ice and Fire series. ": "Rights". I suppose by this you mean Christians telling people of their life styles and choices that are contrary to God's word AKA the way one is suppose to live. If this is the case then your life styles, actions, and choices that are sinful are not rights at all. And are in fact prohibited.

    4. "The writing is just better.": You couldn't be any further from the truth.

    5. "Fewer people die.": And so the accounts of deaths make the Bible bad because?

    6. "  When people die in GoT, at least you understand why it happened.": ??? Do you have bad reading comprehension? Every death in the Bible makes sense and has a cause.

    7. "Not as many contradictions from one book to the next.": So Game of Thrones has contradictions, well the Bible has none.

    8. " Less incest.": Though there are accounts of incest the Bible is not rampaged with incest, incest is also deemed sinful, and incest is not the theme of the Bible.

    9. " Game of Thrones fans don't knock on my door unexpectedly to tell me how great the books are." :  Well its mainly (if not only) Mormons and Jehovah witnesses that do things like that ( knock on doors). However it makes sense why that doesn't happen because Game of Thrones is not a book that tells you to spread some sort of news.  

    10. " One is full of monsters, adultery, death, sodomy, beheadings, incest, blood, slavery… and the other is written by George R.R. Martin. But Martins books aren't seen as a guidebook for morality.":  None of these things you mentioned are the central theme of the Bible. People are monster due to their sin which God is trying to save us from, adultery another sinful action that humans do that God is trying to save us from, death another thing caused by humans which is also another thing God is trying to save us from. Sodomy is sin another thing God is trying to save us from. Beheadings once again not even a central theme, but beheadings were done either to someone who committed a crime, ( in one occasion people were beheaded to pay as a ransom for the shedding of innocent blood )  or as persecution for those who preached God's word.
    incest I already touched on this. Blood is usually seen and used to cleanse people from their evils not as something that is evil in itself. Slavery there was no evil being done there, and as stated above is not the central theme of the Bible.  Martins book's aren't used as a guide for morality because it is not a guide for morality.

  8. Hey +The Atheist Voice I had a question about a situation I'm in and i was hoping you might be able to help me out. So I'm in High School and in my History class they showed a movie called The Prince of Egypt. Now I don't know if you've heard of or seen this movie but is basically an animated version of the book of exodus. In this movie they portrayed the existence of god as a fact. Actually it would be more accurate to say that most of the movie revolved around god. They even showed him smiting the innocent children of Egypt because the jews wanted their freedom. This was not even slightly shown as a bad thing! Quite the opposite, in fact this was shown as a good and just victory. The film was shown to the class and presented as factual history. It was all about god and I feel like it has no place in the classroom, I want to do something about it but I'm not sure what to do. Thanks for your time, and any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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