For a long time, Game of Thrones was considered one of the greatest TV shows of all time. The adaptation of George R R Martinâs Song of Ice and Fire series introduced the mainstream to the incredible world of Westeros, the twisting intertwining narratives, and the deep, complex characters.
However, after season seven, with just six episodes of the show left, Benioff and Weiss left themselves with a lot of loose ends to tie up. Unfortunately, not only was season eight one of the worst possible endings to such an incredible show, it left far too many threads from throughout the series unanswered, or gave them the most unsatisfying, sometimes nonsensical conclusions.
Not everything that doesnât make sense about the show comes from season eight, however the earlier years, seasons one to six in particular, were the height of TV storytelling, and any faults were few and far between. The same cannot be said about the final six episodes.
While there are of course the famous incidents involving the coffee cup and the modern day bottle of water, this list is comprised of aspects of the story that make no sense rather than production errors. Looking back with the entire story now finished, with regards to the show at least, there are more than a few things that leave us scratching our heads.