Video on Wolf & Dragon Dreams:

Here are 10 things I wish the show kept. Of course there are a lot more than 10 plot lines that were not included from the source material. There’s going to be a lot of season 5 and A Dance with dragons spoilers, so there’s your warning.

10. Arianne Martell
9. Quentyn Martell
8. Moqorro and Victarion Greyjoy
7. Magical horns
6. Mance Rayder’s fake death
5. wolf dreams
4. Coldhands
3. Quaithe’s Propheicies
2. Lady Stoneheart
1. Young Griff



  1. I can see why they wouldn't go with the young Griff storyline, it would bump up against Daeney's pitting them against each other for the right to rule the 7 kingdoms…Just too much for TV

  2. Great video. I will just add we also learn that Viserion knows it's name and does respond to it. The rumor in the books was that Lady Stoneheart can't be killed so I wonder if she would be the one to kill the Night King, not Jon.

  3. I think this series needs to be rebooted in 2030 and to follow at least 95% of the source material. The show has $150 million budget and made 3-5 times that amount in return every season. So just make the budget $250-$300 million and 12 episodes per season and release the censored version on tv, but release 3 episodes of the good stuff via cinema every 4-5 weeks. Im pretty sure it will be to make $300 million a year in the box office alone. Just imagine watching a well edited 3 hour episode of game of thrones in the cinema. And knowing it would be 4 times a year. And it was almost 100% true to the source material.

  4. I think this series needs to be rebooted in 2030 and to follow at least 95% of the source material. The show has $150 million budget and made 3-5 times that amount in return every season. So just make the budget $250-$300 million and 12 episodes per season and release the censored version on tv, but release 3 episodes of the good stuff via cinema every 4-5 weeks. Im pretty sure it will be to make $300 million a year in the box office alone. Just imagine watching a well edited 3 hour episode of game of thrones in the cinema. And knowing it would be 4 times a year. And it was almost 100% true to the source material.

  5. I am probably one of the few or maybe the only one who wants Young Griff to be the real Aegon making Dany go nuts. Lol Besides, him having the better claim doesn't mean he will/must win the Iron Throne or survive till the end. Dany has the dragons and clearly has more power or advantage than him, so why not give him the claim. The septa who teaches him about the faith, Lemore, is probably Ashara Dayne. Anyways, I won't be surprised if he is either a true Targaryen or not. Both the baby swap thing or the Blackfyre theory (Illyrio married one who is Varys' sister) both made sense to me. Maybe he is also a descendant of the prince who thought he was a dragon in human form that he drank wild fire thinking it would turn him into one, but it burned him instead. Lol

  6. Who cares, GRRM is a hack who's been writing a convoluted boring mess after book 3. HBO season 5 represented that mess, and was the worst season by far. HBO is fixing all his crap now w/ season 6…and will do much better to keep a couple of his 10000s of useless characters out of the book.

  7. The one the show left out that made me mad was. "Mances babe being born while a war was going on around him. Or mances sisters wife. They left out so much with that. I made me sad and my husband say. Well no one in t.v. land wants to see a screaming women during a war scene it not a COOL thing to see". Its true but sad. I thought it added to the whole STORY that much more. Oh well I like how the show is NOW something so different then the books. Its like having 2 different new things to look forward to.


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