9 Most Outrageous Friends Fan Theories –

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  1. Maybe I'm biased since I was first starting to notice reality at the time, but to me the years that look the most timeless in popular culture are 1989 through 1993. All the styles then were pretty conservative and boring. Men didn't have sideburns or perms or any other weird things in their hair; women's hair was neither too long nor too short; cars were neither too boxy nor too sleek; there were no major political controversies at the time (well, except for the Rodney King incident, but even back then that felt anachronistic); and even the rock music was pretty bland. All that being said, the only way to make a TV show truly timeless is to invent a whole bunch of clothing styles, technology and fads out of whole cloth and see to it they never become popular in reality – in other words, a surreal science-fiction show. That, or make the show a period piece and have the characters repeatedly snark about how dated they will one day be.

  2. If there is a sitcom which will age well for years to come, it's Frasier. The biggest tell to its era is the big cell phones in the earlier seasons. Almost no references to current events, pop culture, or specific figures in the public eye at the time of the episodes airing, there is very little in the dialogue or the stories that scream dated. Someone could start watching that show in 2050 and barely miss out on any context in it's 11 year run. Outside of a few glimpses of technology of the time, a VHS tape here, and old cell phone there, and perhaps some of the clothing, it's perhaps the most ageless TV sitcom ever made, and one of the most ageless TV shows.

  3. I think people unsubscribing over this, a video about how 90s some things didn't know they were going be, is hilarious. Like yeah we've all always known things like that the fashion is going to be different, it changed entering the 90s, that happens every few years. But its the stuff that nobody thought would ever change. Like who knew after all those years of smoking in restaurants that soon nobody could do that at all?

  4. All these list channels seem to be taking list of drugs it would seem yes. What's the point of this vid. Your point out things from the 90s. And then saying oh it's not like today. Who the fuck thought of this list. Oh jeez they wore peaty coats in the past. How crazy. Jeez everything is on VHS in the 90s. Nooooo say it ain't so. And now we don't have them. My mind is blown. I guess I'll have to kill my self now. This has to be one of the dumbest list yet. Right up there with watch mojo and their 5 things wrong with the Last of Us. Good work guys.

  5. Um….all TV shows are a product of the decade in which they were made. Unless it's a period piece like Little House on the Prairie or MASH. Ever go back and watch reruns of Three's Company? There's no question it was 70's-early 80's. Yes, a lot in the world has changed, but when you think about it, that's over a 25 year span. A lot of change over 25 years isn't that crazy. This list appears to be made by someone who fondly related to that show and the characters as a 20 something contemporary, but is now having a hard time dealing with being on the other side of their 40's.

  6. I think one good point would be how laid back they were towards plane tickets and airport security. Being in the pre-9/11 days, they could go right up to the gate with no ticket, give one person's ticket to somebody else etc. Hard to imagine that today

  7. I'm that well informed on this stuff, but aren't Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston talking to each other again? I thought I saw that somewhere recently, like with in the last few months or something. Am I just crazy?

  8. Two Jewish characters being the most ethnic that the show got is another dated element. Except for "How I Met Your Mother," which had no Jewish characters among its main cast (yet four Jewish actors), and "Game of Thrones," which is set in the low-melanin areas of an alternative universe, there are no shows on TV nowadays as popular as "Friends" was that have such a lack of ethnic diversity.

  9. The main problem with this video is it leaves out the BIGGESt thing that dates friends – All of the Chandler is gay jokes. There's a constant running joke about Chandler being gay(so much so that they turned it into a movie). That would never fly with today's PC ethic. They would get massive blowback if they even did it once, and they did it repeatedly.

  10. I don't think that makes it dated. If anything, it's nostalgic. It's symbolic of the times. It's timeless because it's like a time capsule for the years it was on the air. It's not meant to be timeless.


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