After eight epic years, the vast saga of Game of Thrones finally came to it’s incredibly controversial conclusion. Obviously the reaction to the end was mixed, and ultimately it felt like this extra short season left a whole lot to be desired and left a whole lot of pertinent questions unanswered.

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Clearly in a series this broad with so many different major characters, there is no way that every question about every character could be decisively answered before the series ended. And realistically speaking, after the threats of ice and fire were officially defeated, the answers to many of these questions weren’t necessarily that important anyway. However, here are 10 questions about the main characters of Game of Thrones that the show never answered, even though it should have.

10 What Happens If Sansa Gets Married?

Sansa has finally gotten what she’s always wanted in the series finale of Game of Thrones. The North is free, she is in control of her own life, and she can finally be the kind of queen that she wants to be as Queen in the North.

However, it seems pretty likely that Sansa may marry and have a family of her own someday, and it’s completely unclear what will happen when or if she does. Her husband would presumably become king, but does that mean that he is a traditional king, and that power over the North will transfer to him?

9 How Did They Sell Westeros On A Stark King?

Tyrion’s reasoning when it came to making Bran Stark king of Westeros was enough to convince the High Lords of Westeros, but how did the rest of the country feel about a Stark king? Not only did Bran have no real claim to the throne of Westeros, the kingdom that belonged to the Starks declared it’s independence and isn’t even a part of Westeros anymore.

The theory behind why Bran the Broken would make a great king was pretty thin at best, but it’s hard to imagine that the entire country threw it’s weight behind Bran when his family was not even a part of the High Lords of Westeros anymore.

8 Who’s Next In Line For The Throne After Bran?

Game of Thrones

Despite the fact that Brandon Stark seems to be more like a robot than a human ever since becoming the three-eyed raven, it’s not fully outside of the realm of possibility that Bran might marry someone and have a family. However, he certainly doesn’t have a wife or family right now.

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Many of Dany’s followers, including Tyrion himself (the one who suggested Bran as king in the first place) had serious and understandable concerns about the line of succession if anything ever happened. But as soon as Bran became king, it seemed like this wasn’t even a question that Tyrion or the rest of the High Lords were asking.

7 Is Tyrion The Lord of House Lannister?

As the last living child of Tywin Lannister, it’s only logical that Tyrion Lannister is now the leader of House Lannister and the High Lord of the Westerlands. However, that still seems to be a big question mark, both because Tyrion left off as nothing more than one of the advisers on Bran’s council, but also because Tyrion did actually murder the previous High Lord of House Lannister.

Game of Thrones has seemingly wiped the slate clean with many of it’s characters, but this seems like a pretty serious transgression that would need to be addressed with the people of the Westerlands in order for Tyrion to take over.

6 What Did Varys Hear In The Flames?

Varys in Game of Thrones season 8 episode 5 The Bells

We all know the kind of torture that Varys endured at the hands of men who used dark magic, but one of the most intriguing plot threads with his character was never resolved despite that foundation of his character being so significant.

Varys has explained that he was mutilated as a part of a sacrifice, and when the sacrifice of his body parts actually occurred he heard a voice come from the flames that consumed them. Without revealing what that voice said, Varys explained that this moment is what defined the rest of his life and made him devote himself to the service of the realm.

5 Why Did Jaime & Cersei Die?

The real answer to this question is undoubtedly that it’s just a plot hole, but given what a momentous occasion that it should have been for the series, it seems fair to ask why Jaime and Cersei actually did die. Daenerys would have undoubtedly killed them both had she found them, but in the episode after they die, Tyrion finds them.

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Tyrion finds them in about three seconds, because they’re buried under approximately a layer and a half of stone, in an area that looks to be pretty clean considering that it just collapsed. In theory, if Jaime and Cersei had just ducked and covered they likely could have survived it, so why didn’t they?

4 Was Jon Snow’s Parentage Ever Revealed Publicly?

The revelation of Jon Snow’s true parentage was a massive moment, followed by not much else. Dany was clearly threatened by Jon’s claim, and once the secret got out it didn’t stay secret for very long.

But it seems like no one is that bothered by the fact that they have a legitimate heir to the throne, and it seems that, despite Varys’ apparent attempts to spread this information, it has never gone beyond the few people who actually know the truth.

It seems that everyone is in agreement on Bran being king at the moment of the series end, but it’s hard to imagine that this king’s secret lasted forever.

3 Why Did Daenerys Snap?

Now, we’re certainly not going to argue that Dany wasn’t already pretty crazy for years before she decided to invade Westeros. And there were some pretty clear acute circumstances that pushed Dany further and further towards the edge.

However, there is an extremely intense moment when Daenerys realizes that the city has surrendered to her, and she is staring at the Red Keep, and in that moment she decides to burn the entire city to the ground anyway. Daenerys has always loved talking about burning cities to the ground (and occasionally doing it), but it’s still a mystery why exactly she snapped.

2 Was Arya Azor Ahai?

The legendary Azor Ahai was supposedly the man who initially beat back the white walkers, and it was his victory that kept them at bay for thousands of years. And it was prophesied that Azor Ahai would be reborn once again in this era, and that he would defeat the Night King once again. So on the basis of that prophecy alone, it would seem that Arya Stark must have been Azor Ahai reborn.

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Or was she? The show never fully answered this question, and there is enough other information in the prophecy that indicates that Dany or Jon could have been the prince who was promised, but the prophecy wasn’t even discussed towards the end of the series.

1 Could Bran Time Travel?

Honestly, although this was a relatively smaller moment when it game to GoT‘s biggest moments, it was truly the most insane revelation that got no explanation or follow up afterwards.

And that was when Bran Stark’s present self connected with Hodor’s past self and basically made him Hodor. The implications of that, that when Bran was exploring the past he was literally there and could influence past events, are absolutely insane. But once this momentous moment happened in the series, it was completely dropped as a plot thread and never addressed again.

NEXT: Ranking Every Episode Of Game Of Thrones Season 8 (According To IMDB)

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