
Thank you to every single one of you who have watched, liked, commented, shared and subscribed to our videos! 100,000 Subscribers!

Thanks to Ryan Higa (NigaHiga iJustine ( and Weird Al ( for not suing us! And thanks to Benny & Rafi Fine (The Fine Bros. for also not suing us for using a piece of their YouTubers React footage πŸ™‚

If you like parodies and funny popular songs similar to The Key of Awesome (Barely Political), Bart Baker and Weird Al Yankovic, subscribe & follow me here:



  1. Wow your channel is so cool! I happened to randomly noticed your channel to be legit it's so sick I truly think your channel requires a lot more subscribers. I'd like to invite you to a shoutout Sunday series which I have on my channel it will help you achieve a ton of active subscribers from 100+Plus. It's a good way to start your channel- If you would like a shoutout just follow these rules; 1) Subscribe to my channel! 2)Stay active on my channel (Like & comment on my recent videos) 3) Subscribe to the recent Winners) 4) Tell the winners I send you! That's pretty much all if your not interested just ignore this message hope you come by and we become good friends.:)

  2. Haha, wow – congrats on getting so big on here!Β  So cool that all those celebs joined you in a hangout. πŸ˜‰Β  And don't worry, you're not the slowest to reach 100K by a long shot. lol


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