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You ain’t seen gore until you’ve seen Game of Thrones. No one dies in their sleep on Game of Thrones. No. Someone’s eyes get stabbed. Or a head gets sliced off. Or you get hacked to death by a white walker. The murder scenes on GoT are so devastatingly gruesome we’re all borderline suffering from PTSD by now. But love every bloody second of it. So in light of all the blood spilled on our favorite show, I bring you the 13 goriest deaths in Game of Thrones history. Warning: If by the time you watch this video Ramsay Bolton has finally seen his last day and has had his scrotum burned off or something, , I apologize in advance for not including him cuz I’m sure his finale will be epic.

1. Oberyn Martell
2. Meryn Trant
3. Shae
4. Shireen Baratheon
5. Hodor
6. Mance Rayder
7. Jon Snow
8. Joffrey Baratheon
9. Viserys Targaryan
10. Eddard ‘Ned’ Stark
11. Talisa Stark
12. Robb Stark
13. Catelyn Stark

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  1. Dude this isn't the saddest deaths… This is supposed to be the goriest deaths. What about the one episode when dude literally has his face mauled off by his own dogs. Like cmon now stop showing this crybaby shit, if I wanted to see crybaby deaths, I would.


  2. I read all the books, and the one thing you can bank on, regarding your favorite character, they die. Everyone dies in those stupid books! After reading the whole series, the onnly thing I was left with at the very end, was that I felt like I had simply wasted all that time reading when there was little to no redeeming qualitties from the story. All it is , is just a way to write about the horrible ways a person can die. George R.R.Martin, has one motto in his books, never leave a protagonist alive. every character in his books dies a horrible ddeath, and for no good reason at all, but to fulfill some sadistic desire by the person doing the killing! Looks at it objectively and you'll see what I'm talking about. About the only thing that you can take from these books is that when a person rules a nation, not because he had to work hard to earn the public's trust, but by Birthright; you can see ALL of these kinds of things happening, why? Because in the real world pretty much ALL of these kinds of things have actually happened! so to have a government that will doo the bidding of the people and that the people can actually decide who wiill run the country, is by far the best system we have ever had in the entire history of human kind. So, the one message you can take from these books is that monarchical governments are always corrupt. ALWAYS!!! Even the British Aristocracy, will move heaven and earth to hide the less savory things they did/do. Why do you never hear about law breaking by the aristocracy? They most certainly do break the law, because they can, because they have people who are blindly loyal to them and will also move heaven and earth to cover up anything that might embarrass the royal family. The British Monarchy has done a fabulous job of indoctrinating the people of Great Britain to love the Royals and to want to be like them. Think, if we have troubles with corruption of people who are elected by the public, just think how much corruption is behind the scenes in a Monarchy! Just to make my point, the British Royal Family isn't even British by descent. they're German to the bone!


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