Some boss battles add to the excitement by adding another boss into the proceedings. Fights against multiple bosses aren’t incredibly common, but as soon as we see one begin, we are filled with a sense of dread. Thankfully they are incredibly good boss fights as well, and not just a way to make the game harder. Here are 15 times you fight multiple bosses at once.






  1. Dragon Age Origins, the entirety of the tunnels under the dwarf city (haven't played it in a while so I forget what it's called) but that entire section is actual HELL. One boss right after another.

  2. I'm sorry but you are talking about several different things when it comes to The Evil Within boss fight.

    You are talking about The Evil Within 2 boss fight when you fight the Keepers. You fight one Keeper then when you kill the first one, two more come, then when those two die it's head opens up and Laura comes clawing out.

  3. Glad Okami was mentioned tho I completely forgot about that fight. I do remember being shocked when they both came down and I had to fight them both. Tho lucky your not alone fighting those two.

  4. Hades and ice colossus is from bbs, not kh2. The scene literally has aqua and Zach. Lol hades and ice titan don't test anything either.

    Ff13-2 boss that should be on the list is the last boss with all the bahamuts. That tests patience. The giraffes are just annoying

  5. Okami <3 For Nechku Lechku on sub sequent playthroughs I just let Shiranui handle em with her op brush atks she will melt em both in a hurry anyway as soon as you bring your brush menu up lol, to bad you can't access her form like you do in the final boss battle as a secret unlock. I still can't wait to no life this game again and beat t another 20 or more times in December hopefully they'll have new features other than a graphic upgrade not that it will look any different with its art style.


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