By now, enough time has passed to watch each episode of the final season of Game of Thrones multiple times, to dissect every shot of its iconic closing sequences, to debate the significance of that coffee cup, and so on. This season saw resolutions to arcs a decade in the making, and laid many a fan theory to rest. We shall never see its like again.

Everything looks different from this side of the finish line. Now that the series has wrapped, the wars have ended, and a new order has been established in King’s Landing, it’s as good a time as any to look back at the best moments of the series’ capstone season. For while there might have been spots of contention, there were also some of the most fulfilling scenes of the entire show. Some were quiet bits of introspection. Others were some of the most spectacular set-pieces ever shown on television.

So grab some popcorn (or maybe a box of tissues) and let’s dive into this last season and pick out our favorite moments!



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