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Little finger died
But hound quoted the best swordsman didn't have a real sword.. he was just being sarcastic about the event
I believe in the syrio theory, and also the rheagar/h'gar theory โบ
Is that not a proper bed behind Varys
The Syrio Forrel "death scene" never made sense to me. Arya leaves the room and looks back to see moving shadows, and hear the clanging of steel (presumably swords) and multiple men screaming?? Why would you hear clanging steel and multiple men screaming if the single, unarmed dancing master was killed?? It just doesn't make any sense. Maybe poor directing/screenplay writing, but given the attention to detail of the show, I doubt it.
Now they said "Ye he is dead." in the case of Syrio, but all faceless men are dead in a sense…so it doesn't disprove it.
In the book it's a lot more ambiguous whether or not syrio died
Yo that best swordsman in the land chick could be azor ahai but besides her only jaime and jon are possible and jamie would probably be able to kill cersei for the lightbringer sword
The little finger theory turned out true ๐
Lol it's great that the third one was right on the mark the new seasons is great lol
In response to the second theory all I have to say is that he was in kings landing why would Hagar be useful at that point? Like how would being the second sword in another country be useful in westeros.
I have a theory that Hodor can only say "Hodor", because as a child he was traumatized when his mind was teleported into his future self where he was screaming "Hold the Door" as he was killed by an army of undead.
I've been watching all your videos because my theories are almost always aligned with your theories. And I have a MAJOR theory that I'm hoping you'd make a video on to back up my claims! It was revealed recently on season 7 episode 7 by Bran that Jon Snow is indeed Aegon Targaryen and the rightful heir to the iron throne. But the biggest theory I believe will be revealed on season 8 is that Tyrion Lannister is really indeed a Targaryen himself and that him, Jon, and Daenerys are all related! And here is why I believe so; all three were born as the Third child, all three have caused their mother to die during birth, all three have major abilities to have people see something special in them that makes others want to fight for them and protecting them, and last but not least, the dragons have all allowed those three to literally put their hands on them! So mark my words; this WILL BE PROVEN come season 8!!! Ohh and by the way, since Daenerys have been seen in the middle of a fire pit and not burn, I believe the Night King will touch Jon to turn him, only to be shocked when he realizes that it only RELEASES Jon's TRUE POWERS of Ice. Hence is why the story is called "Fire and Ice" …..what do you think bud?
The baelish theory came true
There is no disputing there are mermaids. Grey King the original king of the iron islands married a mermaid and lived for a thousand years. But who knows how long a year is in this show.
peter was the reason it all happened ;D;D;D the insane prophecy came true
Well, little finger was behind it.(confirmed)s7ep7
It's Catelyn !!! not Cadelyn. Don't mean to be mean but you should pronounce names correctly.
A theory is debunked as soon as the shows developers so say
So the last theory about Littlefinger was true, damn i love this series
The intro is far too long
1) Raeghar is alive. He is the man that we see after Jaqen gives Arya the coin and he takes off the Jaqen face before they go their separate ways. Jaqen's white hair is a tribute to Raeghar.
2) A faceless man was executed in Ned Stark's place. Ned Stark departed for Essos to gather an army to fight the WW in Westeros.
3) Bran caused the Mad King to go mad because Bran tried to warn Aerys about the Walkers but he hadn't mastered his powers yet (Burn them all!). He will also travel back to the point where the Children of the Forest create the Night's King, but he will be bound to the Night's King's body because he will have worged inside the NK to try to convince the CotF not to turn him to prevent the rise of the White Walkers.
3:05 Isn't that the face Jaquen changed to when he gave Arya the iron coin?
A+A=D Amazing theory.
My theory is that I'm still alive and just hired a faceless man to play dead for me.
Someone is varging through long claw i am pretty sure!
At least one if these theories pretty much happened
well one of these came true [ish]
Well after the season finale we at least know that the theory about petyr baelish is right
The last theory came true tonight.
they also said john is dead
Am I the only one who didn't really care about syrio?
I would love Syrio Forrel to be alive
Well Petyr and varys were behind everything for the first two seasons, so it's not that far a stretch
My theory is this is all in Ricks coma
What if, what if and of course, what if. ๐
That Varys theory is ridiculous
Sirio is dead. The faceless man uses his face…. duh
I have a theory, Little Finger has a tiny dick! He claims it's because he comes from the Fingers and he was small, but being around all those whores only validates this as fact. However, he gave it to Robins mom good in the Vale, but that's because she was mental.
The thing is that I'm sure the actors don't know, so you can't say things like "look at their slight smile"… The actors won't know ahead of the script they're given so that is such fucking bulshit
lord varys mormen lol
ohhh brother….
little finger and faceless man are either same or they are working together!! note this down!! faceless man left arya he already knew where she would go!!
Hodor dies by the way! Just sayin
I belivie Ned will return ๐๐๐๐
i think that 1 dragon will die
What if syrio killed Trent and because he is a faceless man became Trent
I really hope that hbo doesn't put that fighter in the show, he is a big mouth and may be a fighter not an actor
My theory is that both Little FInger and Varys are causing everything. They both are in the same game and they both are in the same shadows. If one or the other wanted the throne more, they would of killed each other by now, but no, they both are working the scheme to acquire the 7 kingdoms together. Both of them know a ton of things others dont know, this means that they both knew that John and Daenerys will come together and rule the 7 kingdoms. More importantly, they both will rule the 7 kingdoms under the control of their king and queen because who does the royals seek advice when they cant solve big issues? Their council.