The series finale of Game Of Thrones was divisive amongst fans, some of whom were satisfied by their favorite character’s endgame and some who were not. In a final twist, Arya Stark killed the Night King before Daenerys Targaryen attacked King’s Landing, leading to Bran Stark’s ascension to the throne.

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Some of the beloved characters in Game Of Thrones received an unlikely happy ending, including Sansa Stark becoming Queen in the North and Tyrion Lannister retaining his position as Hand. However, not all of the characters were as lucky. Here are five characters in GoT who had happy endings and five who didn’t.

10 Happy Ending: Sansa Stark

At the beginning of Game Of Thrones, Sansa is a spoiled young lady of House Stark who dreams of marrying Joffrey and becoming the queen. Her life changes after the Lannisters execute her father Ned and hold her hostage in King’s Landing until her escape in season four.

Sansa endured unspeakable horrors throughout the show. She was forcibly married twice and subjected to abuse by Ramsay Bolton, but emerged from the series finale as the Queen in the North and unquestioned ruler of Winterfell.

9 Sad Ending: Daenerys Targaryen

Daenerys Targaryen also experienced a traumatic childhood although, unlike Sansa, her story also ended in tragedy. The Mother of Dragons seemingly succumbed to Targaryen madness in season eight’s “The Bells,” destroying King’s Landing with dragonfire before being killed by Jon Snow.

Daenerys was one of the most popular and iconic characters in Game Of Thrones. Many fans considered her an empowering and liberating feminist icon and were dismayed by her sudden descent into villainy.

8 Happy Ending: Arya Stark

Arya Stark had a different journey in Game Of Thrones to her sister, but it ultimately led her back to Winterfell in time to reunite with her family before the White Walkers invaded Westeros. Arya trained to become a Faceless Man and her training paid off when she killed the Night King in “The Long Night.”

Arya was never content to be a lady like Sansa and tells her sister this in the final season. The last time we see the hero of Winterfell is as she is sailing west of Westeros to have adventures of her own.

7 Sad Ending: Jaime Lannister

Jaime Lannister appeared as if he were undergoing a redemption arc since the third season of Game Of Thrones. The disgraced knight confides in Brienne of Tarth about why he killed the Mad King, revealing Aerys’ evil scheme to destroy King’s Landing with wildfire.

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Many fans speculated that history would repeat itself and Jaime would kill Cersei to stop her from blowing up the Capitol. The Kingslayer went back on his word, however, going back to Cersei after sleeping with Brienne and dying amongst the ruins of the Red Keep.

6 Happy Ending: Bran Stark

The final season of Game Of Thrones was a time for wolves. Each of the Starks had a happy ending including Bran, who emerged from the finale as the elected King of Westeros.

Bran becoming king was unexpected as many fans theorized that his destiny was more in line with fighting the Night King than winning the throne. Tyrion nominates him as the next ruler of the Seven Kingdoms in the series finale and the show ends with Bran as King.

5 Sad Ending: Missandei

Daenerys’ best friend Missandei met a tragic fate during “The Last of the Starks.” After traveling back to Dragonstone with the Targaryen army, Missandei is captured by Euron Greyjoy and executed by The Mountain in front of Daenerys and Grey Worm.

This was a horrible ending for one of the most innocent characters on the show. The only thing that was left of her after her death was the collar which symbolized the years she spent as a slave in Astapor.

4 Happy Ending: Tyrion Lannister

Tyrion Lannister served as Hand to Joffrey Baratheon and Daenerys Targaryen and is last seen in Game Of Thrones fulfilling the same role to the new king Bran Stark. Tyrion’s wit and political shrewdness were his biggest assets in the show, something which saved him from near death several times.

Tyrion’s skills in the later season were questionable compared to his swift rule of King’s Landing in season two. However, his gift for talking manipulated the situations around him and he ends the series as one of the most powerful players in the game of thrones.

3 Sad Ending: Drogon

Drogon originally came to Westeros in “The Winds of Winter” with his mother, brothers, and an impressive army. The Targaryen forces were depleted in the final season, however, and Drogon is now the lone surviving dragon.

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The dragon was last seen in “The Iron Throne” flying east with Daenerys’ body after destroying the throne. Samwell Tarly mentions later that he was last spotted flying towards Volantis, prompting some fans to theorize that he took his mother to the Red Priests to be resurrected.

2 Happy Ending: Jon Snow

Jon Snow might not have become King but the character still received the ending that suited him best. After killing his aunt and lover Daenerys, Jon is exiled to the Night’s Watch and is last seen leading the wildlings beyond the Wall.

Many fans believed Jon would be king and it did seem likely. The character was revealed to be the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark and the true heir to the Iron Throne. However, Jon was happiest whilst with the wildlings and never wanted the throne, so his endgame suited him well.

1 Sad Ending: Cersei Lannister

Cersei Lannister was one of the best villains in Game Of Thrones. Fans are introduced to her as a scheming character and, as the show progressed, witnessed her commit awful acts – and understood why she did them.

Cersei became Queen of Westeros in season six but met her demise after Daenerys destroyed the Red Keep. She died pregnant in the arms of her brother as her kingdom crumbled on top of her.

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