5 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Sophie Turner
Sophie Turner is growing into Game of Thrones, with Sansa Stark playing a major role in Season 5 as the show continues to entertain, shock, and disturb millions of fans around the globe. The 19-year-old and her character had taken some criticism during the first few seasons, but Turner is developing into a major player in HBO’s hit fantasy series, with Sansa finally starting to play the game in a bid to continually survive horrendous ordeals with two of the most evil men in the Seven Kingdoms. Everything was going swimmingly for young Sansa as she was betrothed to the dashing king-to-be Joffrey… Until he commanded Ilyn Payne to remove her father’s head rather than show a glimmer of mercy. Since then, Sansa’s life has been one misery after another, being shown horrific sights, witnessing traumatic events, and also suffering some harrowing ordeals herself. Turner is certainly stepping up into the role with Sansa’s increased prominence, and has hauled her character to the point of fans wanting Sansa to survive until the end of the show, whenever that may be. However, popularity is usually a death sentence with George R.R. Martin wielding the pen that decides the usually-grisly futures of every fan favourite. But while we’ve seen Turner in fictional medieval times, what is she like back in the real world, away from blood-thirsty kings and psychotic arranged marriages? Here are 10 things you might not know about Sophie Turner.Sophie Turner was born on 21st February 1996 in Northampton, England before moving to a small village in the Midlands when she was still a baby, and at the age of 3-years-old, she was already signed up to the Playbox Theatre Company. She told her local newspaper, the Coventry Telegraph: “That was how my obsession grew. I am still in Playbox. My first lead was in a production called Scary Play directed by Stewart McGill, who is amazing. Playbox is a fun environment. It€™s not just a place for kids to hang around and be silly. We are all very serious about acting. They do not mould you into the actor they want, but let you be yourself.€ Her mother, Sally also explained: €œTwo of the most memorable productions Sophie was in at Playbox were Red and Se7en, which was circus based; and at school she was very funny as the scarecrow in The Wizard of OzHer amateur-level performances were enough to weave her way into contention for the role of playing the young daughter of a powerful Lord on a new, relatively low-key HBO series named Game of Thrones… In the same Coventry Telegraph interview, Turner explained the audition process: €œPlaybox put me up for a lot of auditions, but it was through my drama teacher at school I heard about the Game of Thrones audition. The casting director knew about the drama department at our school. I had four more call backs in London. It was really intense, but fun. I did a lot of chemistry tests with other people €“ the last one was with Maisie (Williams) who plays Arya. She is lovely.€ She has also previously stated: “Getting Game of Thrones was amazing. I was 13, on holiday in France, and my mum woke me up saying, “Morning Sansa!” I burst out crying and jumped in the pool.” A rational response to landing a life-changing role in a worldwide mega-series.Like with most actors and actresses involved with Thrones, Turner has had to change her appearance for the role of Sansa, with her natural blonde hair dyed to match the signature vivid auburn colouring of the Tully family. She said: “I am planning to go back to being a blonde soon, then I’ll slip back in with everyone else. My friends hate it when I get recognised.” But does Turner get recognised often? She told Vanity Fair: “Yes, people come up to me in London. It€™s weird, since it€™s bigger over here , you€™d expect more people to come up to me, but actually in London, I get more people. I think over here people are so used to seeing someone off the TV or movies that they just don€™t really care. But in London it€™s kind of rare.”One of the coolest ‘fictional world meets real world” scenarios is the fact that Turner’s family actually adopted one of the dogs used to play one of the gorgeous, loyal direwolves on the show. Sansa’s gentle-natured pet, Lady, was put to death instead of Arya’s fierce wolf, Nymeria, after the latter bit Joffrey’s arm and fled the scene, but thankfully Thrones isn’t TOO realistic, and the producers didn’t actually execute the animal, of course. The Northern Inuit dog, named Zunni, found herself out of work after the first season when the wolves became CGI creations to show their growing size, but Turner’s mother convinced the producers to let them adopt the pet who is now an accepted member o



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