Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones Season 8 — photo: Helen Sloan/HBO — Acquired via HBO Media Relations Site

The Golden Globes nomination process is completely broken. There are 500 good reasons Game of Thrones deserved a series nomination.

There was some serious hate for the final season of Game of Thrones. Filled with several WTF moments, it didn’t live up to the hopes of many fans. Understandable. But let’s pump the brakes a bit on the Golden Globe nominations. For Game of Thrones to not be included on the short list of the drama series top five is ridiculous.

On to the reasons.

1. The other nominees are lacking.

Let’s be real. Roughly 99% of the people in the world couldn’t list the respective networks and/or services for the other five nominees, much less discuss the shows. The Crown changed casts, and seriously downgraded from Claire Foy to Olivia Coleman. Her blank stares are difficult to ignore. On top of that, the third season is just downright boring.

Speaking of boring, Succession is a relative snooze-fest about an entertainment conglomerate. It’s only tolerable because the cast.

Big Little Lies? We get it. Strong woman cast. Reese Witherspoon. Nicole Kidman. Shailene Woodley. Oh, and Meryl Streep was added. Nobody has a problem with that. But it’s not automatically amazing as a result. The show is essentially fodder for the daytime soap opera, Hallmark movie, color-by-the-numbers Nicholas Sparks crowd to watch since Pretty Little Liars finished.

Next, is The Morning Show, given a nomination almost strictly because of an attempt at inclusivity with Apple. Which leaves Killing Eve, an honest to goodness solid show.

But to think any of these shows are better than Game of Thrones? GTFOH.



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