Now that Game of Thrones is finished for the year, I’m bringing you 50 Crazy Facts About Game of Thrones!

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Music used: Born Barnstormers by Brian Boyko (

*Stranger Things 50 Facts Coming out SOON!



  1. Decided I could comment right as I hit this point: 8 – Jack Gleason in batman begins….

    If that's crazy about game of thrones, then I got something that'll blow your mind… each and every one of the characters in the show were in DOZENS of other shows, movies, commercials—even porn! It's INSANE. And not the same way two shows meet, or how all the characters crossover in our fanfiction. Youre watchin a show—then totally at random–you see a character's actor pop up and its confusing when theyre not really the same person. Like I'll be watchin' something, and be all "wait thats King Jeffery!" but it's not; cause the real one is actually played by an actor, and those get cast as the real people in different shows. Even if that person DIED already (they just use acting to die, and live again offscreen); because they usually still keep actors alive after their character dies (likely in case of flashback or fakeouts). Its sounds FRIGGIN BONKERS but almost all characters were also other characters. I know theres a dateabse that'll help you start looking into just how many people in GOT were also other people—it's pretty easy since each character has their actor tagged, It should give you enough crazy fact material to make hundreds of equally fascinating videos.,

  2. It's a good thing GRR Martin (makes it sound like a growl 😎) did not let his material be crammed into a movie.
    Not to criticise anyone's work specifically, but a lot of movies and tv shows are just garbage

  3. Turkish military didn't banned the show. It was aired on cable tv. Because of the copyright issues it's not legal to share the show on internet sites. I believe it's the same for every country. One more think military doesn't rule turkey so they can't ban anything, our shitty goverment does

  4. Turkish military didn't banned the show. It was aired on cable tv. Because of the copyright issues it's not legal to share the show on internet sites. I believe it's the same for every country. One more think military doesn't rule turkey so they can't ban anything, our shitty goverment does


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