The Battle Of Winterfell in the latest Game Of Thrones instalment, The Long Night, is one of the hugest TV experiences ever set to screen.

So naturally, it was a complete pain to shoot – with the efforts of hundreds of cast, crew and actors brought on board to make sure that it all went off without a hitch.

The longest battle in Game Of Thrones history, split over four main areas of battle, with all sorts of CGI and twists and turns needed to bring the show to life, this was easily no mean feat.

If you’re unsure just how much effort it took, HBO have released a behind-the-scenes video unfolding every bit of the episode that you might have missed.

Here are just some of the biggest things we’ve learned behind what it took to create the Battle Of Winterfell.

***Warning: Spoilers ahead. Obviously.***

The whole shoot ran over 55 consecutive nights (11 weeks-ish) (Picture: HBO)

It took 55 straight nights to shoot

‘We had 11 weeks of night shooting, so that was quite a feat for any crew to go through,’ producer Duncan Muggoch explained.

Bernadette Caulfield, executive producer of the show, backed up the horror they put themselves through.

She added: ‘You would start your evening at 6 o’clock at night and you would go home at 5 o’clock in the morning… That’s brutal. Your body never fully acclimates to that 100%.’

Bet those odd nightshifts now and again don’t sound too bad now, huh?

Some of the shoots were -14 degree weather (Picture: HBO)

The weather was -14 degrees and was too cold to snow

Throughout the fight on Winterfell, Daenerys Targaryen was seen in the coldest part of the battle, with the flames surrounding the main castle gates and her dragons providing her warmth.

However, dragons aren’t real – so poor Emilia Clarke felt it all.

‘When I was doing it, it was minus 14 degrees,’ Emilia revealed. ‘Just chillin’. Minus 14. In a field. It’s too cold to snow.

‘When it’s too cold to snow, you know you’ve got trouble!’

The brutal battle was not fun for anyone on the set – but it was worth it (Picture: HBO)

Noone enjoyed this shoot

It should come to no surprise that it turns out people weren’t completely on board with the horrifically long shoot, the cold weather and the harsh toll the subject matter put on them.

Episode director Miguel Sapochnik put it the most blunt way when he told the camera: ‘Let’s put it this way, I never want to do that again. I don’t think anybody who did that, wants to do that again.’

Shooting the sequence in Belfast, everyone HBO asked admitted that they struggled.

‘I’m not going to lie – it was horrible!’ stunt co-ordinator Rowley Irlam laughed, but added that he tried to see the most of it.

‘We enjoy the world,’ he added. ‘And I said to my guys “You might not want to do it again, but you won’t regret doing it the first time.”’

The giant was a real person who was later CGied in to the war (Picture: HBO)

The giant that killed Lyanna is a real human

The creepy looking giant that crushed poor little Lyanna in his hands (RIP you absolute hero) – was not made of CGI as most would assume. He’s an actual human being.

Ian White, a seven foot five stuntman, was brought in to take on the role of the giant, already towering over Lyanna actress Bella Ramsay by quite some margin.

Brought on board and placed in front of a green screen, he was shot to look even taller among the other fighters around him, playing with a green doll to fill in Bella’s place.

Later on, Bella shot herself in a crane that was wrapped around her waist, and these were then blended together.

So that’s not just good effects happening there – the giant is the real deal.

Peter Dinklage admitted he wasn’t sure was Tyrion was thinking with the crypt idea (Picture: HBO)

Peter Dinklage thought the crypt was a stupid idea too

From the moment the idea appeared to have the women, children and those unable to fight in the crypt in the basement, literally everyone was yelling at the TV screen that that was a bad idea.

And what do you know, just a week later, that whole plan literally turned out to be the worst. Idea. Ever, and royally threw a spanner in the works.

But it turned out even Peter Dinklage, who plays Tyrion Lannister, thought it was a terrible idea at the time as well.

‘Nobody thought of that – he’s bringing all the dead people back to life, and they put women and children in a crypt with all the dead people!,’ Peter told the cameras.

‘Tyrion is smart, but not that smart.’

You’re telling us!

Samwell Tarly crying over Jon Snow leaving him wasn’t scripted

One of the more divisive moments of the episode, it was revealed that John Bradley, who plays Samwell Tarly, didn’t plan on crying in the middle of the battle – it just happened.

‘It was great because it was this idea of Sam being one person John has always gone back for, and always relied on, has always been his true friend and he had to sacrifice him to go after the Night King,’ Miguel explained.

‘At some point we just ran out of stunt guys to throw at Sam, and so he sat there and he just started crying – and it was great!’

‘It truly was crying amidst all this violence. Seeing Jon do that with Sam, it felt true to the character.’

Game Of Thrones continues on Sundays on HBO and Sky Atlantic.

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MORE: HBO spoil Game Of Thrones’ Battle Of Winterfell moment we’ve been waiting 8 seasons for

MORE: Game Of Thrones’ Lyanna Mormont on her epic moment in The Long Night’s Winterfell battle



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