Games are often seen as cinematic experiences, with adventures and action set pieces that stay in our minds long after the game is over. But there are times where games also leave an impression by their sheer shock factor. These moments stay with us for years as we try to digest the events that played out before us. Here are 6 socking moments in gaming that completely blew us away.

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  1. Why is it still considered okay to kill Nazis for shits and giggles? They were real people with real lives ,hopes, and real families.
    I’m not Against it, just wish it was okay to kill Allies and Women(maybe kids?not sure ) in the same matter. That is now taboo to do so and it LIMITS the gaming industry.

  2. I think that this was mentioned in a recent video, but…. the beginning of Mass Effect 2. At one moment you're a galactic badass, and the next you're just a piece of canned meat, floating in space. Also, considering how fond you guys are of Spec Ops: The Line, I'm surprised the White Phosphorus thing didn't make it on the list.

  3. When you said telltale games plays with my emotions I thought scooter or loader bot

    I paused the game and sat there for a few minutes wondering why did they have to do that to a great character


  4. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t even press the trigger in No Russian. I just walked around, seeing all these innocents dying around me. I kept thinking: what about their families? What about the world? And it was all because of me. I’m No Russian, but I guess I’ve officially just become one.

  5. It’s funny because when I was younger I was doing the No Russian mission and I wasn’t paying any attention and I look at the tv and see them start blasting everyone, I wasn’t fazed. I was more confused, I was trying to figure out why was I just playing Hero just to turn around and watch these guys do this.

  6. Im excited to see a great channel like this in an oversaturated market! I appreciate the fact that they have casual conversation instead of those over scripted channels. Thanks for the awesome episodes!

  7. I personally would've picked the whole of Black Ops 1 over CoD 4. It's a really well drawn out plot twist and a crucial part of the story when you find out that the ex Soviet Captain Reznov that was with you the whole game, well, wasn't with you for the whole game and he was but an illusion caused by Reznov brainwashing Mason. It managed to completely change the story and a lot of the events that transpired while playing as Mason. That also made the World at War/Black Ops series one of my favorite storylines in gaming (well, behind MGS of course)

  8. Wolfenstein beheading was shocking? really? I was screaming at the screen to fucking cut her head already because it took 20 FUCKING MINUTES OF CUTSCENE. Shit game for shitty consumers.

  9. You're a gaming channel and you just HAD to include a political thing.. You do realise LITERALLY EVERY PRESIDENT SINCE THE COLD WAR has toyed with the idea of dropping nukes on places, right? YOU DO REALISE KIM JONG UN HAS LITERALLY BEEN FIRING ICBM'S AT COUNTRYS TO TEST THEIR NUCLEAR ARSENALS RANGE, RIGHT!? YOU DO REALISE THAT YOU ARE LITERALLY FUCKING YOURSELVES OVER, RIGHT!?!?!?!

  10. On the no russian mission, i skip it all the time, not because it's immoral, in fact i make sure to shoot everybody with no survivors most of the time, it's tge cops that i hate so fucking much, once they get their shields i can't get past the level….


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