Wow, an RC helicopter mission! Sounds like fun, right?

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  1. I'm not understanding everyone having problems with Demolition Man. Not tooting my own horn here..(toot toot) but I think I've failed that mission MAYBE once. If you just ignore the workers and drop the bombs off….it's easy. I 100% agree with Driver though. Fuck that tutorial with a barbed wire boner.

  2. On the subject of that particular mission in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City: I'm not going to lie; that mission can indeed be frustrating, but try flying the RC plane for Zero in GTA: San Andreas. Thank God that mission is optional and not required for you to beat the game.

    On the subject of the Marble Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog: that zone isn't really that hard; you just have to take your time with it. Also, keep in mind that the original order of levels in the Genesis/Mega Drive version of Sonic 1 was for the Labyrinth Zone to come RIGHT AFTER Green Hill Zone, so be thankful Sega and Sonic Team changed the order. Let's not forget that you did mention that you were in "primary one" (I assume that's UK talk for "first grade," so chances are that you didn't have the patience to get through the levels at the age of six or seven.

  3. Interestingly enough, I never got lost in the Water Temple in OoT as a kid. I did when I played the 3DS remake a few years ago though. I also never had much trouble with Demolition Man in Vice City either. I just used the rotor on the rc copter to murder the construction workers as they came at me. I did find the mission incredibly boring and tedious though.

  4. Okay more games my list are. Mike Tyson punch out, battle toads tmnt the under water level. Ghost and goblins. The gta vice city mission was very difficult but. It's so rewarding after doing it. I found gta 3 has some missions where harder then vice city. But i love them both. How about zombie ate my neighbors.
    Contra. Tell me what you think?

  5. We all know the problem in the Water Temple. That freakin block. You know, the one that if you don't move it IMMEDIATELY after getting inside you'll regret it 3 hours later when you've pretty much gotta go through the whole temple again to put it where it needs to be

  6. GTA mission was sound for me! Hit the workers at the right angle with the choppers blades and they’re off bleeding in a corner!! And I just bought another Nintendo 64 for Goldeneye and Mariokart because they where fantastic games and helped me through the worst time of my life! Paid a right few quid for it and mentioned games along with Star Wars and others but once you turn off the 64 and turn on the PS4 u say to yourself “Why the hell did I bother?” But you turn on the 64 again and say “Oh that’s right! They games where utter class! And saved me from hell!” Don’t think I’d honestly be here if it wasn’t for the 64!!!

  7. I was like 15 when Driver dropped, but I was hardcore into Gran Turismo around that time so Driver wasn't ever a problem for me. The GTA mission that got me was from SA and it was the nerd's R/C section I hated.

  8. True about Demolition Man but I'd take that over any of Zero's Missions on San Andreas………..oh the nightmares. CJ punching Zero in the face after the Casino heist was worth it though, bullet in the face would've been better but that will do 🙂

  9. the problem is because there was not really any QA at the time so it forced the game designers to beta test their own games. and in doing so they were being misled by their own skill level, so they adjust the games difficulty to suit them instead of new players

  10. So I guess no one else noticed he said "Diddy Kong's Quest" instead of "Diddy's Kong Quest", which is how the title is written. Now I don't know the actual title, but "Kong Quest" is a good pun, so if that's a typo, Rare missed a nice opportunity. If it's not, this channel can't do research for shit.


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