Finally explained – why the eagles didn’t fly the Ring to Mordor.

10 Movie Heroes Who Stupidly Turned Evil For The Sequel –

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  1. Harry had the stone on purpose for that exact reason. Luke is of course the chosen one, never Anakin. Duh. Sauron would have seen the Eagles coming and Gandalf says RUN… You fools. Love the vids but those 3 "theories" are not theories or are, as you brits say, rubbish. And you left out Pixar theory. Amore!

  2. anikin was really the one to bring balanceto the force he killed all the jedi and all the sith wiping the slate clean and he did come from a time of dispair the jedi where loseing the way and getting to involved in the clone wars and it has been conformed that the return of the jedi is anikin

  3. #3 is a theory? I thought it just was?

    Also with The Thing, one of my favorites, I always had interpreted it as they were both human after all. Kinda makes it more bleaker, but it's gonna be a bleak ending regardless.

  4. Maybe neither Anakin/Luke or Rey is "The Chosen One" because it´s just something someone made up a long time ago and it became a myth that some people still entertain because we want something good to belive in and that everything will be good in bad times.

  5. The problem with the idea that Remy is all in Linguini's mind is that at the end of that movie, Remy's huge extended family is all living in Linguini's restaurant. If he doesn't exist, that means that Linguini has now gone insane, and is keeping a massive swarm or sewer rats in his restaurant… WITH his girlfriend's knowledge… and NO ONE CARES OR NOTICES.

    Worse, all those rats are ALSO in his mind, which means his girlfriend is seeing them too (she eventually learns about Remy, remember?), and so changes the theory to more of a shared halucination. And that's just weird.

  6. as a kid i always made the connection that Luke was the balance to the force, because the Jedi were dwindling while the Darth guy way and his Emperor was rising. The prequels show their ugly face, and again, i see that the Jedi are strong and what is now known as the Sith are dwindling, therefore the Sith needs an equalizer. What i liked about the orig trig is that it seemed like Luke had free will. With Anakin, we already know, and his heel turn was one of the weakest in the history of heel turns ie "nooooooooooo"

  7. Oh my god would you quit it with the dumb Star Wars Prophecy. It is always a time of need, there is always someone strong with the Force, a balance is always vague shit that is relative to what exactly. The prophecy isn't going to not come true so long as there is a Force with two sides. It isn't there to be fulfilled or adhered to; it is there to always be rocking that boat. It's not Anakin, it's not Luke, it's Rey, it's fucking Nostradamus. Vague fit-all nonsense that pumps everybody up once in a generation, because it always fits something or someone. PS Anakin wasn't born in a time of great despair… on Coruscant, whereas he was a goddamn slave on Tatooine which boy howdy sure sounds desperate indeed. PPS Luke is not going to bring balance to the Force in Last Jedi, he's going to turn it into a bespoke system where balance cannot and should not exist. Jeez.

  8. Well that's the effin point of Harry Potter and the deathly Hallows, isn't it. I mean, that's why it's called Harry Potter and the deathly Hallows. It's the point of the whole series actually.

  9. Anakin is the chosen one! Why?! slaps head hears why! The chosen one was foretold to bring balance to the force. And destroy the Sith. After the Great Jedi Purge there were two Sith and two Jedi masters. Not including former Jedi knights and inquisitors. That was Vader’s doing. Then when he was redeemed and killed palpetine he destroyed the Sith. Badaboom

  10. As i have read a large collection of J.R. R. Tolkien's books on middle earth I shall say this. Despite how the movie portrayed the eagles, many of the creatures Middle Earth are sentient, can speak the common tongue, and chose to do as they wish. The eagles actually only answer to the leader of the Valar which is Manwe' . The Valar being basically demi-god like beings that help create Arda the planet which middle earth takes place on. Thorondor the King of the eagles only saved Bilbo and Gandalf in the hobbit cause they spotted some of their enemies in a commotion, the wolves and goblins of the misty mountains and decided to investigate. Since Gandalf was the friend of Thorondor, the eagles saved them as a courtesy and took them to a safe place an left them to their journey. As for the Lord of The Rings as I said before the great eagles only answer to Manwe' as he is the lord of the sky. At the end of the lord the rings on mount doom. Manwe' actually commanded thorondor to watch the top of thangorodrim (aka mount doom), which helped Gandalf save Frodo and Sam from the lava flows. If any other Tolkien book reader see's anything I missed or messed up somewhere just let me know.


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