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  1. I was caught off guard by Leia’s Mom comment after rewatching all of the movies last week, but then I remembered that she was adopted and had an adoptive mother that she probably thought was her real mother

  2. cant watch this man
    you are so incredibly ignorant and am idiot
    1. sidious wanted to replace vader as he was not meant to overthrow his master while luke could
    2. fair enough you found a plothole, bravo, so in your version of the prequels there should be no r2, well done become a director
    3. im not sure here cause i had the same question, but leia might not know she was adopted
    4. who the fuck knows who this old prick is
    5.cause vader hardly remembers his old name (and im following your stupid logic of "lets take the 6 movies only because im a fucking moron"), as he wants to cut all ties he had with his old life
    6.what a plot hole,he looks 10 years older than he should be, who cares? oh i know a fucking moron who cares
    7.learning how to hold a lightsaber and throwing rocks doesnt equal being a jedi and the reason,if you would like to know you half-eduacated moron, why the jedi order didnt take older children was so they wouldnt have emotional ties with their families, wich anakin had at the age of 9, therefore he was too old. now the reason behind anakin and luke becoming a jedi differs. in anakins case the jedi were greedy morons (like you) and thought he would safe them from the sith ( because the half-educated jedi thought that balance is if you have only jedi without any sith, like thats the definition of inbalance) in lukes case on the other hand there was simply no pool from which you could cherry pick your younglings
    8.maybe they should have made the ships and monster out of paper and puppet, because if they had made the movies in the right order they would have done 1-3 in the 50-60, oh and the prequels should have been in black and white without audio. no.8 was sarcasm (im just clarifying it so even a greedy moron with inferiority complexes like you can understand it)

  3. Actually, the rule of two means there can only be two sith. If the emperor wanted to train Luke to be an assassin or dark side user but not train him in the ways of the sith that wouldn't break the rule of two. Just like how Dooku trains Ventress in the clone wars. She isn't a sith, but she still serves the dark side.

  4. For the last point, Rule of Two also implies that the apprentice kills the master and gets his own apprentice. The examples are all over the Prequels: Palpatine has three apprentices over the course of the three prequels. After each is killed, he replaces them. He would've had Luke kill Vader and take his place or have Vader kill him and take Luke as his apprentice.

  5. isnt the real reason for the technology bc the original trilogy back then didnt have the special fx to make everything that they wanted to portray maybe? might as well use claymation then

  6. I'll try to explain a few of these plot holes away…no idea if the expanded universe explains them this way or if at all, just my take on them.

    1: I think you could explain part of this due to the dystopian era the galaxy is in (as you said). But of course, the Empire should have technology on par…not sure how to explain that bit.

    2: Luke was supposed to be a special case…the last Jedi (as thought at the time)…the chosen one who was the son of a chosen one. I think it's safe to say that he had inherent ability that most Jedi wouldn't. Also, I really don't think the prequels have much to do with how.

    3: I got nothing here. Let's just say that he was electrocuted in the same way Sidious was at some point, I guess…Or maybe he learned some sort of "force ageing" and used it to help cover his identity (I'm really stretching here, I know).

    4: Well, for one hiding in plain sight isn't exactly uncommon. Obi-Wan apparently did it rather well. I mean, it seemed most people knew next to nothing about him. Now the following is just speculation: maybe Obi-Wan knew that Luke would be apart of something so important, and so he stayed nearby for when the day came for his training?

    5: There really isn't anything to say to this point; it really doesn't make any sense to be honest.
    6: Uh…a spiritual connection imprinted in Leia's brain? (I really have nothing here).
    7: See above.

    8: Well, in the prequels Sidious also disregarded the rule of 2 in that he recruited Darth Maul while Darth Tyranus was still an apprentice. So I don't think the prequels created a plot-hole in that Sidious wanted to recruit Luke, when the prequels themselves also showed that Sidious was pretty lose about the rules.

  7. Half of these “plot holes” are valid nitpicking that hardly hold water, and the other half are literally explained formally in cannon. Hell, some of it is just basic math, gravity affects aging. Ben Kenobi ages faster because of increased gravity due to Tatooine being large and having 2 suns. More stress on the body.

  8. Actually it is stated that obi wan doesn't value droits and robots like humans. I can't remember if I read on valuable source… But if you rewatch the 3rd episode in the space dogfight you can see the droit on his plane getting a headshot and he doesn't give a flying fuck abou it.

  9. They said in the Prequels that they wont train kids that are too old because the feelings that they already have experienced are Dangerous they didnt say that it takes litterally decades, in the Original Trilogy it was a do or die situation because there were no other jedi left so yoda kinda had to train him

  10. the reason that obi wan aged so quickly was because in the prequels i think they wanted to portray obi wan as more of a brother figure than a master and one of the ways they did this was not turning him into a wise old dude like he is to luke in a new hope, and because of him being more of brothers with anakin this is one of the reasons to his downfall because he didn't really have a father figure, more of an older brother sort of figure. so i think it all has to do with focusing on the downfall of anakin. but thats just what i think

  11. It HAS been 19 years, and there are multiple droids that look like R2 so it's reasonable that Ben doesn't remember him. Edit: Emperor wanted Luke to kill Vader so Luke could become Palpatines apprentice. Have you not listened to a word from him?

  12. On the last one there let me tell u something…

    From palpatines opinion, he was going to get darth Vader to get luke to join him then he was going to get luke to kill Vader.

    From darth Vader opinion, he was going to get luke to join him then they would both kill palpatines and take his place as father and son

    Like some sith say… As is the way of the sith

    There are other ones in the vid that I could prove u wrong on but they were actually explained later on in the EU

  13. Knowing what I know about the Expanded Universe, you can tell which plot holes were more hastily covered up. For example: the one with Leia remembering her mother was given this explanation: She used the Force. That's it.

  14. The rule of 2 is no plothole. Palpatine wanted to drag Luke to the dark side, because Vader has become an hindrance to him. Not only had Vader already planed to kill him sooner or later, as he revealed to Luke, but he was also old and somewhat phisically disabled because his burning on Mustafar. Palapatine wanted Luke to kill Vader and take his place, cause he was younger, not disabled and arguably more powerful than Vader, he never wanted to become a group of 3

  15. Hey, moron – Leia is Force sensitive. The Force allows one to see things, past and present. Leia remembers her real mother because she's seen her through the Force. She doesn't realise that because she doesn't know she's Force sensitive, but that's still the answer to the question. And a pretty damn obvious answer, one that doesn't need anything more than a couple of seconds' thought.

  16. It does not matter. The first trilogy was tight. Talking about implications and consistencies made sense.
    The prequel trilogy changed all that. So many inconsistencies, plot holes, and crappy characters destroyed any sane idea that any continuity could be discerned. You may as well try to explain the grander story of Bugs Bunny cartoons.

  17. Leia knows about Padme because Leia felt her presence in the force. That's not something explained later they say it during Return of the Jedi when its brought up. If you didn't realize that then you're stupid.


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