Michael checks out some of the most obscure theories around Game Of Thrones! *SPOILERS!*

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  1. +WhatCulture – Actor Peter Vaughan, who played Maester Aemon on 'Game of Thrones' (2011-) has died (December 2016) at the age of 93.

    Vaughan was also well-known for his role as 'Genial' Harry Grout ('Grouty'), in 'Porridge' (1974-1977), and played Charlie Johnson (char.) on 'Citizen Smith' (1977-1980), and Felix Hutchinson (char.), in 'Our Friends in the North' (1996)

    The actor also appeared as Uncle Alfie (char.) in dark comedy 'Death at a Funeral' (2007), which also featured later 'Game of Thrones' (2011-) co-star, Peter Dinklage.

  2. Varys & Littlefinger only characters with no POV chapters. I like the theory that Gendry is Cersei & Robert's 1st born (with black hair). She knew it wasn't Jamie's so faked his death (Robert was away hunting) she sent Gendry to an orphange. Meera as Twin = very cool.

  3. Someone I know (she only watched the show) once suggested that Cersei's one true son with Robert could have been Gendry, but then they abandoned him as a baby and left him to be raised by a wench. I don't personally think that could be true considering some witnessed the baby's death, but it is interesting.

  4. The Sansa Stoneheart theory isn't that she's going to die and come back. It's that Sansa will take on LSH's role in seeking vengeance against all who have harmed her family (especially the Freys for their role in planning the Red Wedding). Given that she is currently planning to march on the Boltons and just sent Brienne to Riverrun, it really isn't that far out to suggest that Sansa will take on the role.

    You forgot one of the most popular versions of R + L = J + ? That's the theory that states that Dany was originally sent with the Daynes because she had Targ features (that the Daynes also have) while Stark-looking Jon went north with Ned. The real stormborn Dany died shortly after birth and Rhaegar's daughter took her place. The timeline doesn't really work out since Jon is nine months older than Dany and her birth is well-documented. On the other hand, she only knows about her early childhood from what her brother told her. The whole twins theory seems to be basically predicated on "it'd be really cool if…"


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