Filling in the gaps the directors later decided to make ambiguous.

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  1. Wasn't the unicorn scene not even shot at all for the original Bladerunner? Isn't it a shot lifted directly from Legend? So… not really a deleted scene so much as a scene made for a completely different movie and inserted into a later cut of Bladerunner.

  2. Batman Vs Superman. Cinematic release could have been minutely saved by not deleting the scenes put out in the extended version.

    Kingdom of Heaven also. Cinematic cut removed vital plot points from the very beginning of the film which completely confused everything from then on.

  3. They could have fixed the Ferris Bueller one with a simple script change where Ferris takes an envelope out of his own desk drawer and explains to the camera that these are his bonds, given to him by his parents many years ago. They've been maturing ever since and now they're worth thousands–part of his college fund. "I'm just gonna cash in this one," he says. "When summer comes, I'll have to work pretty hard to put back the money, but…well, today's special. Cameron needs to have fun. So do I." Problem solved, and forgotten.

  4. I saw "Bladerunner" when it came out and I thought the unicorn was a reference to Rachel because she was the only replicant left and was unique in that she did not have a four year life span limit. Edward James Olmos character says in flashback "Its a pity she won't live, but then again who does."

  5. The scene with Nero in Klingon prison in Star Trek that would have explained what the hell he was doing for 25 years (not to mention where half his ear went), when the theatrical cut makes it seem like he and his crew were just watching Netflix and not bothering to warn Romulus that their star was about to explode.

  6. I just found out that in Scream 4, they deleted a short scene where Dewey talks about Tatum. I would've liked if they kept that scene because she mostly goes unacknowledged throughout the series. I did hear she was briefly mentioned in the second one though

  7. Hey what about Poltergeist, when the mom is showing the dad the strange phenomena in the kitchen . She's about to say something important, and then they abruptly cut to them knocking on the neighbors door

  8. Oh my gosh the unicorn in blade runner was originally there just to show that the guy who like oragami was helping them out and was letting him go with her it had nothing to do with the replicant shit until it was added later because ridley scott thought it was cool

  9. There is a deleted scene in Jacob's Ladder that is in the director's cut. The main character meets up with a war buddy and he explains that when they where in 'nam they were guinea pigs to Agent Orange. That's why he was seeing and experiencing all that jacked up shit. That scene made the movie much clearer and gave it a reason for all that went on.

  10. Batman v Superman, they explain that Superman didn't know about the bomb in the wheelchair because it was encased in lead, which Superman can't see through. Funny is they never establish this in Man of Steel, so it still might be confusing to some people


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