Virtual Foundry offers 90% metal filament in copper, bronze and brass. They were kind enough to send a spool of their bronze and two samples of their copper for review.

3d Printer used: Anet A8 $139.99 Coupon Code: GBA8US





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Virtual Foundry Homepage:

3D printed Castings-

Game of Thrones, House of Stark Sigil:

Skyrim Emblem:

Pirates of the Caribbean Coins:

Avengers Logo:

Fidget Spinner:

Mothers Day-Mom of the Year Award:

Raven Skull Statue:

Lattice Cube:



  1. CONTRARY to normal care for filaments!

    Normally keeping humidity from filament is an almost religious effort. But I would note that the breakage issues and makeup of the filament suggest a different problem.

    Already 90% of the filament is "moisture free". You are asking the remaining 10% of plastic(?) to do the work of holding the metal together.

    I have noted that "weed trimmer" users in desert environments complain bitterly about brittle trimming lines. On the other hand I soak a trimmer spool overnight for use on heavy weeds on the mountain, using the same product, with great longevity.

    Drying out the filament that is already brittle is contraindicated. A good soak or even exposure to a humid environment is the next best trial I think.

    Using a hot air blower or heater on already dried out filament –  probably not so good!

    Give it a try. If it makes a huge difference and you post it – you'll be a HERO!!

  2. How about if you try pre.-heating the filament, with like a heating gun or something, before taking it off the reel, and wile you use it to 3dprint. Mabye it will help cheers.


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