Daenerys has some crazy visions in the House of the Undying. What do they mean for the future and past of Game of Thrones? What are the three fires, mounts and treasons? What was Rhaegar up to with Elia, Aegon and Lyanna?

This is a censored version of the original video, which was age-gated – because while images of graphic violence, war and death are okay, showing a breast or butt or dick is unacceptable. (Unless you’re Nicki Minaj and get 600M views).

This video contains spoilers for Season 6 of Game of Thrones, and Books 1-5 of ASOIAF.


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  1. what if the "glowing like sunset, a red sword was raised in the hand of a blue-eyes king who cast no shadow" is the Night King because he has blue eyes cast no shadow and raised versryion the fire made flesh dragon from the died and notice how it has a – between blue-eyes in stand of writing blue eyed king XD cause things are always so literal with Martins stories

  2. These last 3 better all be Jon for the love of god

    A fire to love, im gonna guess a kid with Jon
    A mount to love, well, Jon himself lmaoooooooo
    And a treason for love, giving up her dream of taking the iron throne and marrying jon, a treason to herself

  3. I find it interesting that so many people think that "the dragon has three heads" refers to three dragons (or three Targaryens). It doesn't actually says three dragons, it says one dragon with three heads. Personally, I think it could be interpreted as one person with three identities/crowns, one of which is a Targaryen. For instance, if you apply it to Dany, it could be Queen in the IT, Khaleesi, Queen of Mereen. Or Daughter, Wife, Mother. If you apply it to Jon it could be King in the IT, King in the North, King Beyond the Wall. Or Snow, Stark, Targaryen. Or Man, Wolf, Dragon. Everyone assumes that this is referring to three people who will ride dragons and I just don't think that's the case. I guess we'll see.

  4. A year has past since this video was posted and we have seen another season of GoT. So. She sees Rhaegar talk to a woman, but she does know whether yhy woman is Eiia or Lyanna. It could be Lyanna and Jon could be the Promised one, that there needed to be one more could be because he didnt count his daughter. /Also a blue eyed king that casts no shadow, could be the Night King?

  5. Ok, people, that Jon is Aegon thing is show only. It has not happened in the books. Aegon is a separate character in the books. There is nothing to update here because this is accurate to what happened in the books. Please stop mixing the two. The show has taken a completely different route.

  6. My thoughts on what Dany's visions in the House of the Undying mean are slightly different: [SPOILERS]

    Light a fire for life – yes this is probably Khal Drogo's funeral pyre where her baby dragons are born.
    Light a fire for death – this is either the fire in the House of the Undying as you say, or the fire to obtain the Unsullied army, who bring death to many.
    Light a fire for love – this is likely Drogon's fire north of the wall, when Dany rides Drogon to save Jon Snow, and they ultimately fall in love.

    Ride a mount to bed – I think these are Dany's primary sexual partners. to bed is Dario Naharis, as they go to bed but nothing else, meaning nothing ultimately comes of the relationship
    to dread – Could be Khal Drogo, as she was afraid of him in the beginning, or could refer to something in Season 8, possibly all the theories about her and the Night King
    to love – Jon Snow aka the Prince who was Promised (I believe)

    A treason for blood – definitely Miriam the witch, killing both her husband and baby
    A treason for gold – this is I suspect, the treason of her handmaiden to steal her dragons, and she was probably promised great wealth and/or marriage (and therefore wealth) by the rich merchant. Or this could be Vicerys trading her "like a brood mare" to Khal Drogo, a treason both to her and her body, and receiving his golden crown, as well as the 2 bags of gold we see bring given to the marriage matchmaker / merchant.
    A treason for love – I'm not completely sure, but I have a few theories. This could be Jorah the Andal's treason for love of home. Or this could be Tyrion falling in love with Dany and getting jealous of Jon, which also explains why Tyrion was creepily listening to them having sex, or Tyrion betraying Dany to the Lannisters in Season 8. Or it could be something else that will happen in Season 8.

    I wholeheartedly agree that there are a lot of different arrangements possible, but these make the most sense to me personally. Its also highly possible that more will happen in Season 8 that will change these opinions.

  7. 3 fires must you light means 3 dragon that she will birth (as mother of dragon)
    1 for life means for herself and will be her own dragon
    1 for death means that 1 dragon will dead (and now we all know) and become The (Dead) Night King's dragon
    1 for love means that the las dragon will belong to someone that Dany loves (Right ow after s07 probably belong to Jon Snow)

  8. I personally think all the treasons have already happened. The second treason is doreah and the third is jorah not telling dany because he was in love with her and scared to lose her and hence betrayed her by not trusting her with the truth.

  9. I think the line light a fire for love is when Dany and Drogon rescued Jon from the white walkers. It's sad baby Rhaego didn't live to fulfill his destiny. Rhaegar definitely murmured Lyanna's name before he died. I think the Azor Ahai prophecy stuff is overrated. Doesn't mean it will happen. They're very vague.

  10. The vision Dany has of "Glowing like sunset" is Viserion golden skin. "The blue-eyed King that cast no shadows" is the Night King raising a "red sword" is Viserion her dragon that the Night King raises in episode 6 of season 7. Another vision "From a smoking tower, a great stone beast took wing, breathing shadow fire" Viserion again. All her visions in the house of the undying are coming true and according to the vision she never takes the throne she reaches out for it but never touches it.

  11. En la serie la visión para mi es un presagio de muerte para Dany…porq ella se acerca al trono pero nunca lo toca..y sobre el cae nieve q para mi es una alusión a Jon, en cambio luego aparece q sale mas alla del muro y se encuentra con sus dos seres queridos muertos Drogo y su hijo no nato…todo esto es lo q esta pasando ahora, ella hizo a un lado su lucha por el trono justo cuando podia tomarlo para irse al norte…en donde como yo lo interpreto esta visión encontrara la muerte, q en la visión son Drogo y su hijo..quienes la esperan en el mas allá…

  12. Spoiler!

    How do you know it is Elia Martell and not Lyanna Stark, couldn't it be a past story, which could have happened but never did, because Rhaegar died before Lyanna gave to birth to Aegon Targaryan, commonly known as Jon Snow? As he refers to him, that he already has a song, the song of Ice (Lyanna Stark) and Fire (Rhaegar Targaryan). After all it wouldn't fit to Elia Martell marking her as a Lady of Ice. As it is for the last sentence, the book says, that Dany doesn't know to whom he is actually talking. If he really was talking to Danaerys, maybe he meant that Jon Snow is one of the three headed dragon, and Dany is number two and as we know later on from a theory, that one will be a dead riding a dragon, that could refer to the night king.

  13. I'm watching this in 2017 after the end of season 7, and it makes sense now that Dany is with Jon. And that last thing he said about Jon having to stab her to get a fire sword like the one Thoros used gives me the creeps but would fit perfectly with the prophecy.


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