► ABOUT THIS VIDEO: Game of Thrones Season 7 Review.
Episode # 111: The Comic Book Girl 19 Show. GOTS7 Series review.

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► Production Credits:
Directed by Tyson Wheeler X – @TysonXIX
Edited by Tyson Wheeler
Creative Producer: Vicky Arias
Smiletime Studios
Allegra, Rich, Randell

► Music Credits:
Dat Beat Stringer Bells by Dat Beat Music
Stock footage, Sound FX, Music by Videoblocks.com
Stock Photos by Shutterstock images
Stock Music by www.Audiomicro.com
Stock Music by www.Audioblocks.com



  1. Okay I am clearly not caught up, but who the hell is Ed Sheeran? Everyone seemed to get nuts over him having a camio in the show, and I feel like I am the only person who have no idea who he is:S

  2. OMG I love Robot. Please CBG19 more Robot, please!! LOL. Best funny quote of the year so far, "I thought you would like the incest….since your from Alabama." Robot totally needs his own tee-shirt slogan Here is my own vote for Robot having an after show at the end of the stream credits. T-bone…make it happen.

  3. CBG19, that is a gorgeous outfit and total look you have today. Obviously, you always look good, but this look today was particularly eye catching. Have a good day. 🙂

  4. People complain about the time jumps but forget that there was a huge one in the very first episode. The king was announced to be traveling to Winterfell and then in the next scene or two BOOM here he is. They even use Bran's wolf getting noticeably bigger to demonstrate how much time has been jumped over. The only difference with the more recent time jumps is that they happen more often and as a result the show doesn't bother to address it each time.

  5. I love how all the reasons you give to still enjoy the show are things that never made it great in the first place. Sure, the music and the special effects were good… but that's not what made this to what it was, to what it should be. Face it man- it was trash. Poor makers they only had a year? Give me three minutes and I could write a better script. Also LMAO not everyone is rooting for an aunt to have sex with her nephew. In fact, I was rooting for basically everything but that. I must congratulate you at reminding me why I absolutely will never be able to appreciate this crap.

  6. One more gripe. Did Arya and Sansa tell everyone in Winterfell "We're going to act like Aryas on trial and then call out littlefinger?" Because no one in the hall reacted when they pulled the switcharoo. Also, no one was shocked to see a little girl cut a mans throat?

  7. Wights stop attacking the Westeros Avengers because they don't wanna fall in the lake. Later they somehow swim to bottom of said lake and wrap heavy chains(which they got from somewhere) around a dragon. In the final episode it's said the wights can't swim which pleases Euron. Huh? Also what was the night kings plan this whole time to breach the wall if they hadn't conveniently gotten a dragon the episode before?

  8. Ice wouldn't make the wall stronger.
    If you throw stones at the walls of a stone castle, the wall breaks!
    If you throw ice at a ice wall, the ice wall beaks, because mass hits with force.

  9. [rant]
    @10:39 <— This is what I despise about all the "critics" of this show. Just STFU.
    Also, there is no way that GRRM didn't know that the show would finish before he could complete the books. From the beginning they had decided that there would be 7 seasons (one for each book) and he HAD TO KNOW that he couldn't write 2 books in 7 years. He has worked in TV and he's a big boy. He gave them the outline for the ENTIRE story. Do you really believe that he would just abandon his creation to D&D without giving them guidance.
    ASoIaF is HIS BABY for crist's sake.

    Side note, I just watched Hitchcock's Veritgo because it's considered a masterpiece – and it is – but it has the most ridiculous murder plot, I mean, who (in the real world) would hatch this incredible scheme to murder his wife?
    How could Gavin be sure that Scottie would fall for Madeleine or that his vertigo would outweigh his love for her? How could he possibly be sure that Ferguson would not look at the fake Madeleine's body after it fell from the tower and realize this was not his Madeleine? I could go on but the point is – Vertigo ISN'T REAL LIFE. It's a story written/made/directed by a team of artists and craftsmen – and it's a masterpiece, plot holes and all.
    GoT is just a story, plot holes and all.
    I mean for fuck sake, do you effers read The Odyssey and pick out all the inconsistencies ?

    Another thing, my grandfather (who is the main reason I am the nerd that I am) started reading The song of ice and fire when they first came out, but he's not well and he's afraid he might not be around to read the end. He loves HBO's GoT and so do I.

    Another side note, I've read that Valve may never finish Half Life because they see this whole online culture of hate (Reddit/4chan/8chan etc etc) and they don't want to offer up HL3 only to have it trashed by the trolls who take such pleasure in tearing down projects that very creative people devote years of their lives to make.
    [/end rant]


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