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Game of Thrones, Tyrion Lannister, Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Cersei Lannister, Hand of The Queen, Joffrey Baratheon, Jaime Lannister, Season 7, Season 8, Theory

Hey guys,

Alright so just a think I though of, I might be totally wrong but I don’t always see the necessity to over complicate shit. I just think it is as simple as that.

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The Temperature of the Air on the Bow of the Kaleetan by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

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This video contains information on:
Game of Thrones Season 7
Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 5
Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6
Game of Thrones 7×05
Game of Thrones 7×06
Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 7
Game of Thrones Season 8
Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 1



  1. Hey Guys,

    Let me know what you think of these scenarios, especially the new addition to these scenarios (Number 1). Do you think that might have actually been an Easter egg to something Tyrion actually wants for himself?

    Let me know as well if you have any other explanations in mind.

    Until I see you next time though, have a good one!!!

  2. Remember the'deal' Tyrion made with the slavers and how that went? Tyrion is DANGEROUS because he is NOT as good at strategy as HE THINKS he is. Season 7 showed us repeated Terrible decisions of Tyrion. Then he is talking about 'how much he loved her children' and how sorry he is about their deaths, right before he realizes that Cersei is pregnant, then it cuts away and the next you see them Cersei is giving us her pretend sacrificial speech. Tyrion is a problem and he is in love with Dany. Tyrion wanted Dany to leave Jon Snow to die even though Jon was on the missions HE came up with…(another terrible idea). Remember the conversation with Varys when Varys points out to Tyrion 'you've got to find a way to make her listen' and she is not listening to him after his numerous bad ideas. Tyrion did something sinister…

  3. I do think Tyrion knows he is losing his role to Dany and she is listening to Jon and will soon become aligned with the North.  he may have had to agree to stand down or will stand down in order for Cersei's unborn child?

  4. So Tyrion promised Cersei that her child would sit on the Throne. But then Dany Danny and Jon hookup and Tyrion is worried that they will bare a child, destroying his deal.

    Maybe combined with guilt and political thinking of his this could complicate things, he's playing the long game. Varys has taught him well.

    Cersei plays the short game, she has no greater goal aside from a child on the throne, which never ends well for her. Dany wants the throne but once she has it, what happens then? She couldn't rule worth shit Meereen. Jon wants to fight the dead but if they die, I think that means he goes with them.

  5. Either he is worried about sex complicating things or he made a deal with Ceri that her child will be the next in line for help with the White Walkers and if Danny gets pregnant that will complicate the deal.

  6. Tyrion and Varys are traitors to Dany.  Remember Quaithe's prophecy:  The glass candles are burning. Soon comes the pale mare, and after her the others. Kraken and dark flame, lion and griffin, the sun's son and the mummer's dragon. Trust none of them. Remember the Undying. Beware the perfumed seneschal.[4]

  7. I think Peter's (actor) interview explained it best. Tyrion knows what Love can do to people. He knows that this consummation will have a massive effect on many people, similar to how Jon's parents love for each other cost the lives of thousands. Tyrion may have an attraction to Dani (who wouldn't) and he may have also promised Cercei some sort of deal (Tyrion can play the Game too) but I believe that deep down Tyrion cares so much for both Jon and Dani that it worries him what is bound to happen next. Heartache, mistrust, disunity, and sadly even death. Tyrion knows that the decision making ability of both Dani and Jon will now be out of concern for each other rather than that of the realm. Especially if there is a baby on the way

  8. Tyrion struck a deal with Cersei, and he's feeling guilty. He may have even been on his way to confess to her, but horny Jon got there first. (the odds of him standing watch outside her room and just happened to be there at that moment.) He may have been on his way to talk to her. Plus, Cersei wasn't that upset about Jamie leaving. Perhaps it's because she has Tyrion in her back pocket. —Tyrion will be the treason for love of Cersei's unborn child. (If Cersei is pregnant) —-I can see them debriefing at Winterfell and Sansa blurting out that Cersei would never help her enemies and Tyrion looking uncomfortable.

  9. Easy. Reason why Cersei agreed to join the great war: Tyrion made a promise to Cersei getting her child on the Iron Throne. Why else should Cersei agree to fight alongside Dany and Jon? With Jon and Dany getting together, things are getting a bit more complicated. And more so if they end up having a child – which of course is the heir to the Iron Throne.

  10. Tyrion is concerned that any romance between these two leaders complicates matters. Tyrion is thinking strategically and politically. Romance could complicate the alliance and effect the wars to come. That was not a look of jealousy on Tyrion's face, but worry. He doesn't want love or passion to muddle things up and get in the way of greater and more important concerns. Too many lives at stake in The Game of Thrones.

    As Tyrion said, if she dies, they are all die.

    And lets not forget that Robert's Rebellion was started because a Stark loved a Targaryen.

  11. I really believe Dany is gonna kill Tyrion. Dany trust Jon more than Tyrion and listen to his advice more. Dany has the tendency to question everyone's loyalty extensively but she quickly trust Jon. Dany may not value Tyrion advice anymore and Tyrion sympathy with Cersei since she's pregnant can make Dany believe he's betraying her. Remember one dragon died and betray his mother, that could be Tyrion. Although Tyrion could be the brother to kill Cersei and fulfill the prophecy.

  12. My top ten favorite characters in the show both living and dead.

    1. Eddard Stark
    2. Tyrion Lannister
    3. Jon Snow
    4. Jorah Mormont
    5. Jaime Lannister
    6. Oberyn Martell
    7. Tywin Lannister
    8. Stannis Baratheon
    9. Sandor Clegane
    10. Brienne of Tarth

  13. Without the alcohol, Tyrion is a tyrant like his father, but without the practicility and a sense of duty. He has not been a social drinker for too long until that point in the story, and he is much more responsive to his negative emotions. As fine a person as he is, Tyrion is a very selfish and hedonistic person in that fictional universe; he demanded to be the lord of Casterly Rock knowing that his house would take a fall for a dwarf being the head of the house, but he didn't want to be the hand of the King when asked early on, nor did he want to be the master of coin when offered the job later, and when he was tasked with marriage to Sansa, his sense of moral was more important than his duty as a Lannister and would-be warden of the North. That look was just him being plain jealous, along with his false sense of ownership being showed in that silence roar into the darkness. Tywin is unlikable to many, but he invested into his son on the risk of the house, as Tyrion was entrusted as the master of coin and the hand of the king. Before the story even started, he knew he had great intellect that is capable of great things by Tyrion's work with the plumbing at Casterly Rock. We can recall some quote from Tywin to Tyrion that are harsh and ill-intented, but those were harsh words from a father to his son. Tyrion's attempted marriage to a whore was a setup lesson that was meant to have him learned to be a Lannister, but Tyrion was too sensitive and inmature to see through the pain and learn the that lesson. Not sure if Tyrion will betray Daenerys at this point, but it's save to assume that he would do certain things to distant his Queen from the King of The North with his authority in disguise of good intention and Strategy for the whole picture. I hope he will find respect in the fact that Jon is an heir to the Iron Throne like his queen who deserves his wisdom and guidence just as much.

  14. there begining to see jon as as what he is,a king who is probably the best swordsman in westeros i dont think anyone can fight him now in single combat.who is not afraid of the dead or night king when all of them are.who is the king of one of the most dangerous and stubborn people of westeros not to mention the respect and allegiance of the wildlings who are one of the most feared entities in Westeros.even Danny is afraid of him since the one thing she has seems to love jon so much..drogon

  15. Your train of thought on the 5th reason is further justification for him to have cut a deal with Cersei – which is what I'm absolutely convinced happened.
    The relevant question is this:
    Why would Cersei come back to the dragon pit?
    Jon and Daenerys already knew they're on their own; making them think for a bit longer that they'll have her army by their side doesn't help Cersei in any way.
    Making Tyrion lose face when Jon and Daenerys find out they're on their own also gives her nothing – besides, it'd be a petty, childish attitude completely out of character.
    So, after the she where Cersei and Tyrion meet cuts on such a convenient moment, why would a shrewd, powerful, independent character like Cersei go back to the dragon pit if not to uphold her end of the deal by lying to their faces, much like Tyrion told Jon he should've done to Cersei?
    It's the only option that effectively complicates interpersonal relationships, which is something that will have to happen as to not have a linear and boring "this side VS that side" battle through next season.

  16. I think he is in love with Danny, literally every man he's seen her with , he advises her to leave them alone because they will only get in the way (Dario , that one guy in mereen she was going to marry) & I think Tyrion was fishing Danny's brain to see if she had interests in Jon when they had that conversation about him liking her, Danny responds with "He's too SMALL for me" which probably struck a nerve being that tryion himself is a very small man … Ever since this conversation I think tryion has felt a little bit of a regret in siding with her , he deep down knows he wants her for himself but knows he's not good enough for her. He's like that guy that wants a girl so he pretends to be her friends or brother figure & hopes feelings will start to grow in the woman so he can move in that way. He never wanted her to go north of the wall to help Jon he wanted her to stay in dragon stone with him desperately , all the signs makes since

  17. I'm reminded here about the time Dany sent Daario away. She confessed to Tyrion that she had sent a man away who loved her, and she felt nothing. Tyrion replied "He wasn't the first to love you, and he won't be the last" – I felt at the time that Tyrion had, despite himself, begun to love Dany, and probably still does.

  18. I think Tyrion respects the hell out of Jon.. sorry Ageon and relationships in GoT dont have the best track record, so his worried it could blow up in their face and with Dany starting to not listen to him and Jorrah may cause issues in Season 8

  19. Could it because he might have assured cersi that even if she lose war he will give her safe passage to leave gracefully. And starks won't let that happen coz they need revenge for Ned stark's death. Dany will surely give Jon preference over tyrion's words coz that's what she is doing so far almost every time. Cersi did said to Jamie that do u think I will believe any word of man who killed our father. It is also possible that it is could be one of the reasons you defines or it could be same as season 6 sansa/Of look at the end. People did speculate a lot over that. However, whatever it is we would know surely in next season only until then speculations only.


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