Will Quburn Die in Game of Thrones Season 8? If so, who will kill him?

Will bad information from the Little Birds set up Dany’s fleet to be ambushed by Euron Greyjoy?

Who controls the Little Birds – Varys or Qyburn? Will Varys kill the new Master of Whisperers?

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daniel43160: the little birds are mute in the books. Illyrio gives them to Varys as mutes
James Dooling: is Qyburn truly on team Cersei? Or will he going to backstab her eventually?
Cornelia Echzeller: if Qyburn dies, will Franken Mountain go rogue? (is there black magic involved in controlling the Mountain?)
Storm’s End: Arya could change into one of Cersei’s hand maidens
Adrian Brooks: because of the plums, Qyburn might be a Varys or Martell Crony
Scottish Girl: Qyburn was not a fan of the Maesters, who stipped him of his chain and title. This might explain the way that he killed Grand Maester Pycelle in Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 10
Stutley Constable: is Qyburn drugging the little birds? They seem more childlike when he gives them the plums, and they appear are robots in the epic Season 6 finale



  1. HI. I am taking a look at all of your videos. Always filled with good information Do you think that Qyburn maybe playing on both sides of the fence? Once Rob Stark and Talisa saved his life, think Qyburn might want to repay the Starks somehow? Qyburn helping out Varys, keeping him informed. I think Varys is as sneaky as Qyburn. Both have a secret agenda .Perhaps even in 'cahoots' in some secret pact. For the time being, each seem to be very careful of how they answer who they are speaking w

  2. Time passes quite quickly in this show, so we might need to take into account the fact that the children will grow up, and might get replaced by new ones who don't know Varys, thus they wouldn't be loyal to him. Just a thought.

  3. I'm team Qyburn… always have been. He rose from death to become what he is, and brought one from death to remain what he is…. All that's left is to use what he created to get what he really wants….
    and only he knows what that is.
    Gotta love intelligence like that.

  4. I know this is such a childish nit-picking kind of thing but…
    Why do you pronounce Varys like you've only ever read it and never heard it said on the show? It's pronounced like VERis even if you would have chosen to spell that differently had you been the author.
    I'm not usually this kind of guy, but I HAD to get it off my chest since I plan to watch a ton of your videos, because they do kick ass.

  5. Qyburn is smarter than he appears (and he seems pretty damn smart) he's gone from being a disgraced maester on the brink of death to the Hand of the Queen and Master of Spies in only a couple of years. I think he could be the death of Varys, Varys relies too much on his spies, he doesn't realise people being payed for information and loyalty are fickle, especially if he doesn't know what Qyburn is paying them, or using to manipulate them (let's not forget he is a master of science, and his experiments could be on controlling those expendable urchins like puppets on strings, just like Ser Gregor)

  6. Very glad to be the 421st LIKE on your vid…
    any variations of the numbers: 124, have so much meaning in my life…

    1/24 –
    my bday, the day I met my fiance, the first (1) full day (24hrs) I spent with my fiance, my son's bday reversed

    Valentine's Day

    my son's bday;

    2/4/ BECAME 1:
    the hands the clock were on when my fiance said "yes"
    ( 2:20AM )
    With the hands of the clock on the '2' & the '4', we became '1'…

    those numbers are also in so many other things…

    anyway, sorry so longwinded…
    love ya bro…

  7. I got a theory. The first time we see Qyburn hes in a pile of dead bodies and is spotted by Rob and Talisa. While talisa bandages his slit throat she says that he's lucky to be alive. Qyburn then goes all starry eyed and says "yes….lucky."
    I think Qyburn might have done something to himself to have kept himself alive. I dont want to say wolverine power…but something akin to it. Like he made zombie mountain after all. And he got kicked from the maysters for researching all the post death/creepy stuff. Just a theory.

  8. Thanks for these super quality videos brother. Best GoT vidz ive come across yet. Easy to listen to with great opinions, facts and overall solid thought behind them. Thanks again and keep them up. You've got a subscriber in me that's for sure.

  9. I don't think Varys' birds are only children. Street children can't get into places that he still gets info from, like inside the castle (yeah, I know about the tunnels), gardens, and other places that beggar children wouldn't be allowed. In fact, in the book, Littlefinger is showing different people around the castle to Ned Stark, and pointing out who they spy for. Varys' network is way more massive than just children. Littlefinger gets most of his info from prostitutes, but I wouldn't be surprised if a number of them work for Varys, too. Then he has connections across the Narrow Sea. Qyburn may have some of the children, but there's no way he has even a small percentage of Varys' connections and informants. Anyone in the background on the show could be a Varys bird, listening in and watching everyone, to report back to the Spider. Anyone from the old, homeless beggar sitting at the front gates, watching who comes and goes, to Cersei's handmaidens, reporting all of the new bruises (Robert's "honors") they notice while bathing and dressing her. I think he uses his knowledge to attract new birds. Finding people placed where he needs a spy, finding their needs, and delivering to them. Like the woman in Mereen, who he paid off for information. He knew about her sickly son, and used that knowledge to both help her and himself. That seems his style, and would help explain the loyalty of his birds (Qyburn seems to be using the same method on the children, though). But, don't underestimate Varys. Information is his weapon, and he knows a lot. He wouldn't leave Westeros without being fully prepared in advance. There's something bigger with Varys, something that will play a major part in the story. I just get a feeling he's WAY more than George RR Martin and the showrunners are letting on. There's going to be a major plot twist/breakthrough/revelation with Varys at some point. I get the feeling it's going to be a "Whoa!" moment.

  10. Isn't it strange that the little birds went from kids who love the only person who cares for them to emotionless little murderers? I hope that they remain loyal to Varys since he seemed genuinely fond of them.

  11. Knowing what kind of guy Qyburn is, I have to ask, "What was in those candied plums?" Think about this: Would Qyburn rely on the loyalty of street urchins? If he could swoop in and take over Varys's network of spies as easily as it seems he has, what would prevent someone else from swooping in and taking them away? Would it not be more like Qyburn to use drugs of some sort to assure the loyalty and obedience of the Little Birds?

  12. I think Qyburn is just a guy with his sick need to play mengele in order to satisfy his curiosity. I think his aim really is not to take over anything, nor is it to become a great innovator or renowned healer. I don't think he wants to be overly involved in anything which would steal his lab/experimenting time. I think he is motivated by his own obsessions. Finding out how disease death and the flesh works is reward enough for him. He enjoys a challange, if he can be helpful, fine, if not, then he is happy to just have a project. If he can have a little adventure with his knowledge, like in re-animating the mountain….it's a good day. He would be loyal to any who will give him a lab, some poor souls to work on, and resources to buy equipment. Cercie gave him all his toys, and he's thrilled to do what he does to keep her happy. Sure, he may be in touch with Varys, but I don't think he has his own agenda, he just likes to help others with theirs if it means he'll get to play and learn more. I love him just for off-ing that sceevy disgusting rat pycel. Qyburn is no fan of maesters, so he got to watch one of them be put down as well. Bonus! Really, he's a handy guy to have around, and honestly I think his loyalty lies with himself, his science, and whomever is funding his "research" that day. I like his character, too bad he can't inspect a dead from north of the wall, to learn a bit there to. It would be great if after he no longer has employers in King's Landing, he gets wind of the mission up north we've all heard spoilers about…..and heads up there to get his hands on that project. Who better? I love his psychopathic calmness, and his sociopathicly soothing ways. I hope he gets to stay around a while.

  13. Do you think varys knew the placing and location of King aryes wild fire …..he was at the Kings side during the sacking telling aryes not to listen to pyceil and don't let tywin through the gate according to Jamie during his confession to brien and Jamie says all night King aryes had a mental breakdown screaming burn em all!!!!!! ….what you think do u think he knew all along and never told Robert or anyone about it hoping no one will ever find out to be forgotten or for for him to use …whatcha think let me know and I hope varys kill qyburn I mean I like the whole frankienstien mad scientist thing he has going but …….remember a black widow kills those who walks on its web ………theres only room for one ….

  14. It is clear (to me for now) that when Qyburn offers The Little Birds candied plums from Dorne that he is either a Varys or Martell crony. I mean, sure, he could get them at any time, but this is Game of Thrones and 99% of every detail is a clue, riddle, or deliberate in its placement.

  15. Maybe faceless men can only be their own gender and general body type? All that we've seen of them, from Jaquen, to the Waif, to Arya, have used the faces of their own gender. I may not remember all the book transformations, but I think this is true. This is why I don't think Arya will turn into Jamie, but into one of Cersei's handmaidens. That scene, where she's getting ready shows how much she trusts those so close. No one else is in the chamber, either and it's where she's most vulnerable. How do you think Arya would do it when the show likes to kill off the villains in the same way they've killed? Giving Cersei to Qyburn after poisoning her with the potion that was given to Varys by the wizard? She did this with the Mountain, and with other victims. Her favorite way to kill was by torture, it seems. Maybe it will be the Mountain that kills her.

  16. Good video. Decent predictions. But, I think you're underestimating Qyburn's plan and his duplicity. He likes Cersei because she funds his experiments and doesn't reject his creepiness. She should. He could easily be working toward overthrowing the Crown from within. He does, after all, control the Zombie Mountain. Off-screen, he's somehow keeping Gregor alive. Maybe through drugs or surgery or stitching wounds. The Mountain needs Qyburn's tricks to stay animate. Plus, remember where Qyburn was found — in a place controlled by non-Lannister powers. I think he's biding his time while the gettin' is good. In fact, he's one of the last people the Mad Queen trusts… as much as she can.

  17. The Littlebirds part of GoT is the one that makes least sense. Who recruits these children when the last gen grows up/dies? Did Varys go out to the market and just tell random kids to work for him every month or so? And how can he trust his Littlebirds? He said something like, "the birds I always trust", how exactly? He manipulates them through candy for god's sake. Unless these kids are some type of premature candy vampires, they just simply go and tell their moms about what they heard, they can even make a newspaper out of those "whispers".


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