Matt Atchity (Rotten Tomatoes) and John Iadarola (Think Tank, The Young Turks) review and discuss the electrifying second episode of season 6 “Home”.



  1. yes the crown ie cersei is still pissed at the boltons because she wanted sansa dead, not married into another house, but there was too much going on in KL for her to bother sending an army to the north, which is why she sent LF instead….& yes brienne knew who was with arya, podrick told her back when they first found arya

  2. Fuck max von Suck my ass, I'm so famous and stuck up I refuse to act, Prop up my pampered pompas ass in a high chair so i'm at total comfort, God forbid a Real actor Searching for a part be willing to play the part, NAH, like Hollywood does wipe the rich bastards ass and fuck over there part other actors so some old papered fart can fucked over another actoer who'd actually be willing to put themselves into the part, yeah lets give it to the pristine schmuck; YeAh i'm in a tree, but i m a baby man in a high chair, Go for real actors not old farts who think they are too important to be inconvenienced for half a second a at millions of dollars per hours, jackass…

  3. wtf i thought it was obvious that cerceis giant bodyguard is zombie mountain, right? the creepy doctor dude tried to heal him after the fight against the viper and robert strong or whatever was the result right?

  4. 20:30 you are forgetting the prophecy Jon… She will be killed by the "valonqar" her little brother: That would mean by either Tyrions or Jamies hand(s)
    My money is on Jamie! (definitely in the books dont know about the show)

  5. Guys how do you not remember that Pod identified The Hound as Sandor Clegane when Brienne was talking to Arya that's the main thing that made that interaction escalate into the fight.

  6. Guys how do you not remember that Pod identified The Hound as Sandor Clegane when Brienne was talking to Arya that's the main thing that made that interaction escalate into the fight.

  7. It'd be really wacky if Bran fucks Wylis up by trying to warg into him in the past, turning his brains to Hodor mush. I keep waiting for the Three-Eyed Crow to do something really fucked up to Bran or for Bran to learn a lesson the hard way from not listening to him.

  8. I got so into the show when season five started airing last year, to the point where I was reading the World of Ice and Fire book and exploring all over YouTube and Wikis and stuff, I couldn't get enough GoT lore.

    So I see Bran this season and I know exactly what's up with him and the Three-Eyed Raven, Greensight, the whole shebang. That being said, I feel like I'd have no idea what the fuck was going on with Bran and that old man if I hadn't researched prior.

    Then again, rewatching the whole show I wondered how I ever understood anything anyone was talking about. The world is so dense with history and lore, so much stuff went over my head the first time.

  9. It's been pretty much understood by everyone that Jon Snow was definitely going to be resurrected. Everyone knew it was coming, and they still managed to cut it in a way where I was totally surprised and excited. Good shit, HBO.

  10. cercei didn't kill those men because the were lannister soldiers + her son put them there.
    she didn't want to kill them for fear of expanding the rift she percieves between her and her son.
    that and it would seriously undermine any authority lannister men percieve her to have over them.

  11. what are you guys babbling about ? b4 you review something do your research
    or at least watch Inside GOT by the writers. First of all Lyanna is Not the oldest! She is not a Dick. The writers are showing you how good she is on a horse- a nod to the story of her dressing as a knight. Also it does not say in the books how Hodor lost his speech. The huge battle is the Wildlings vs Ramsey as you can tell by the banners in ALL the Previews. of course Tyrion went to the dragons he is obsessed with dragons and he could be a Targareyn. you guys keep saying " in the books , in the books" but you sound like you don't understand in happening. Brienne OF COURSE knows who The Hound is. Good grief you guys. Carstark knew Ramsey was going to kill Roose, he said " We need new blood in the North". and you could see Ramsey's knife strapped to his back. There are thousands upon thousands of Wildlings. It's Euron Greyjoy who was on the bridge. and Theon was ALREADY baptized again when he went back the first time when his father thought he was too much like a Stark. Tormund is the Wildling.

  12. It's so much better when you cut out idiots who have no knowledge of game of thrones. I disagree with you guys politically entirely, but you definitely know your song of ice and fire facts.

  13. Well he wasn't working for the crown anymore, he was warden of the north but he knew he lost favor because he took and married his son to Sansa who the queen wanted back. He tells Ramsey that at the beginning of this weeks seance when he says "do you feel victorious, do you think this is the same as fighting a well provisioned Lannister army?" (or something to this effect clearly reinforcing they are no longer sided with the crown.

  14. seriously WTF???!!! Are these guys even paying attention to the show??!! CLEARLY they aren't reading the books or taking notes AT ALL. This was a complete waste. Do your research next time guys. You were asking way too many questions and were confused about way too many details

  15. I have to agree, Liam Cunningham has been amazing in this show since day one. The man is brilliant, he killed it in Outcasts which they never should have canceled. He's in that tier just below Jon Snow with all the others like Arya, Bailish etc, that the show would just be less good without them.


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