We continue our Game of Thrones House Symbolism series with House Mormont, looking at how Jorah, Jeor and Lyanna Mormont all embody the fierce loyalty of the Mormont bear. If you like this video, subscribe to our channel for more.

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  1. I love House Mormont, don't get me wrong, but it just piss me off that the show did not give some houses in the books their due. The substituted House Mormont for House Manderly, and even giving them the iconic line "THE NORTH REMEMBERS" which is mostly associated with House Manderly. I do love little Lyanna Mormont and her "Bear Island knows no king but the King in the North who's name is STARK" but I would kill to see in the show the young Wylla Manderly and her "I KNOW ABOUT THE PROMISE" speech she did in the books or Lord Wyman's "THE MUMMER'S FARCE IS ALMOST DONE, MY SON IS HOME" speech. Lord Wyman Manderly and Lady Wylla are some of my favorite characters, and in my opinion should have been kept in the show.

  2. Another Great video you guys. Great analysis. I love Lyanna So Much xD =D Like some others have said, I Really hope we get a Lyanna / Jorah scene in S8. That has the potential to be GREAT tv =D ^_^


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