Here is our reaction to Game of Thrones: Season 4, Episode 2 entitled “The Lion and the Rose”!
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  1. Sansa is a real internal character in book and show ( in book we read her thoughts ) watch her eyes ( you would see she knows that's part of her father's sword ), hands and body language.
    Review Lady Olenna and Sansa again and pause it a few times to see clues. Book does give you more info.

  2. Marjorie is truly ignorant of who poisoned Joffrey. You are spot on about Oleanna but she gets her last digs in, in season 7. Tyrion’s trial is brilliantly written, acted and heartbreaking at the same time. The perpetrators of Joffreys murder lose no sleep framing Tyrion.

  3. I understand where you guys are coming from and don't have any problems with it. No one should complain just because you're not checking critical analysis at the door. Two points, though: first, there's nothing wrong with being completely along for the ride. As long as a reaction is genuine, it's not an "overreaction." Second, you're issuing an open invitation to anyone interested in watching you react/criticize, so you really ought to accept that you're not immune from criticism, either. The next time someone challenges you, ask yourselves if they're just a thin-skinned GoT fan who takes criticism of the show personally, or if they're arguing one of your points. If they're presenting a real, content-based argument, you shouldn't be telling them to take a hike because their feedback wasn't entirely complimentary.

  4. Great reaction. I have a request for you to start reacting to Doctor Who. If you do, start from when the show rebooted which is Series 1 (2005). It's a great show and if you love sci-fi, horror, drama and adventure then I really recommend 🙂

  5. React however you want. I mean, The Red Wedding made me cry. But I didn't lose my mind or anything. It was probably the most brutal thing I've ever seen on television. Sometimes, though, the way people react to it make me roll my eyes. People process things in different ways. It's incredibly stupid to be rude to people who react to things differently than others.

  6. I am so glad that you appreciate the acting job Jack Gleason did as Joffrey. In real life he is a smart, sensitive, thoughtful young man. Most fans just can't separate Jack from Joffrey and it made some of his life very difficult. He's now involved in his academic studies and taking a break from acting. I miss his character and the interactions between him and Tywin. I hold out hope we'll see Jack working in film again, but as of now that's far in the future.

  7. Bright side of all the negative comments from 3×09 is that all those angry people probably unsubscribed and won't be returning, which means a better, more mature comment section from here on out! I mean, don't get me wrong, every reaction channel I've watched is different and I personally have appreciated almost all of them. George Alexander and his (at times) over the top reactions and undying love for Dany was a fun ride, even though I don't personally react to episodes like he does when I watch them. That in NO WAY means Im not as invested, Im just wired differently. American Mum was confused throughout her entire catch up, but it was still fun to watch her react! Jimmy Macram has probably been my favorite, but others may not like him. Normies are the Normies, so yea, they're great too. MareckProductions, HunterBoyle and the list goes on. Oh, and the ever hilarious reactions from Hogwarts Reacts, gotta love them. So, a long comment to say…….keep doing you! Enjoy the ride. Winter is coming.

  8. Still eating hehehe, don't worry guys, i heard some people do that EVERYDAY. 😮 Also i like your intro. It's okay if you're not really ''emotive'' over Game of thrones. Some are really into it exactly as you said like me. (I'm not crazy but damn i was sooooooo sad, confused and disgusted.) Just be yourself and don't listen to negative people on the internet.

  9. I just watched your intro, but one thing i liked about your red wedding reaction is that youre not overreacting. And that honest reaction brought me to this video, so you're doing it good 🙂


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