Calluna is back with another Game of Thrones video, in time for the new trailers to come out for Season 6! Here, we discuss how the Stark family both embody the seven faces of the Faith and end up becoming corrupted versions of them.



  1. If any Stark is the Maiden, it would be Rickon. He is completely innocent, and too young to know anything else.

    Sansa cannot be the Maiden, as she has never shown innocence in the timeframe of the series. Stupidity and naivete, yes, in believing that everything will be ok, but not innocence. She is knowingly cruel to Jon while they are growing up in Winterfell, as well as generally acting like a spoiled brat especially concerning Arya. She knowingly lied to the King's Court and thereby condemned her own direwolf to death, even though it was Arya's wolf that attacked the Lannister brat in defence of her human. After that, she knowingly lied AGAIN to a Royal court, condemning her own father to death this time. She could have done the right thing, or even what she was taught (remember her mother's House motto: "Family, Duty, Honour"), and supported her father, but no, she betrays everything her ancestors on both sides are known for. After that, she spends the next two books being generally feckless and vapid (as if she wasn't in the first), until she is eventually dragged out of King's Landing by Littlefinger and his associates, whom she blindly trusts, and only shows one glimmer of intelligence in A Feast For Crows when Littlefinger expressly tells her that he is lying to the Lords of the Vale and the cogs in her insipid little head groan under the strain of reaching the conclusion that, if he is lying to everyone around her, then he is most likely lying to her as well. She shows another glimmer of intelligence in the Alayne preview chapter of The Winds of Winter where she appears to have learned by rote a few heraldries and basic facts about their owners. She is clearly not the Maiden.

  2. i have the idea now a lot of people are dead there is a new group embodying the 7
    jon (he became ned according to sansa) and dany (mother of dragons) the father and the mother bran the crone (forsight) arya (as she didnt want to be a lady but a knight) the warrior gendry the smith the maiden sansa the stranger i dont know yet maybe the nightking?

  3. Eh. If you instead apply the logic, who best inverts the seven, then… Catelyn could be both the mother – she never had mercy on Jon, and now that her children are dead, she's pretty much the opposite of lifegiving – but she also inverts the crone – she makes an impressive amount of bad decisions, and the one time she showed a smidge of wisdom, her son ignored her guidance and got the both of them killed. OR, you could say that since Catelyn is the only member of the family who truly believed in the seven, she shouldn't invert it… in which case the only one Catelyn really fits is the maiden. The maiden may be a virgin teenager, but it's not like there's a crone in the family either, yet someone's gonna be stuffed through that cookie mold anyway, so why not? She does act like a stupid teenager a lot of the time.

    Basically, my point is that a lot of the descriptions for the seven are so vague that pretty much anyone could fit. I mean, you made Rickon the builder. Seriously. The kid whose only characteristic is that he's wild before getting shoved out of the limelight. Argh. At least make him the stranger, or maybe an inversion of the warrior.

    It might as well fit like this: Ned – Father (Justice failed him), Catelyn – Maiden (Remaining passive failed her), Robb – crone (Wisdom failed him), Sansa – warrior (The warriors aren't fighting for her honor here), Bran – Smith (The smith sure aint mending this boy's legs), Arya – mother (Mercy isn't in her dictionary), Jon/Rickon – the strangers (who knows?).

  4. I disagree with the final 3.
    Arya is the crone as she can change her face, allowing her to seem harmless and unimportant (like an old woman.)
    Bran is the Smith because of the theories about him being Bran the builder.
    Rickon is the Stranger because he's the least like a Stark as he spent his childhood away from them.


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