game of thrones 08X01 Script leaked
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  1. This is fake. Wayyyy to many plot holes.

    Winter is coming is the big shabang only for the Night King to retreat back to winter wonderland?! And why would such a major villain's death be implied and not shown. Then three years later Bran is ressutected as the night King? First, if The Night King dies then the wights die. Secondly, dragon glass itself doesn't make a white walker; it's the Magic the children of the forest put into dragon glass that makes a white walker, and none of that is even possible anymore bc the children are all dead. Thirdly, how in the hell would they save Bran's body for a three year time jump?

    Daenerys and Jon might die but these deaths are dumb. Jon blows up (offscreen) and that's it for him? And he's not even battling the night King but Euron? Dany is stabbed to save her baby, but Cersei's men just leave the baby alive and only take Dany's body? Cersei wouldn't have that.

    Arya disguising herself as Qyburn? So the only flashback that's ever been in the series was thrown in for nothing? No little brother wrapping her hands around her throat. No meaning to Cersei standing on the neck of Westeros and Jaime standing in the finger/reach?

    Cersei will figure out a way to kill Euron. She has a child and could care less about sharing her throne.

    The only thing I kind of see happening is a big battle of winterfell (not in the way described) , and Dany being pregnant. The rest of this is shit.

  2. Here's another thing I don't buy about this: Bran was warging into a bunch of ravens when the Wall came down so he will have known about it and warned people about it. Castle Black wasn't attacked so Edd will have heard the 3 horn blasts and felt/heard the Wall come down so he will have had time to send the ravens. I read somewhere it would PROBABLY take about a week for the Army of the Dead to reach a populated area (The Last Hearth) that is if the Night King decided not to fly ahead and wreck havoc. So for Episode 1 to have people in Winterfell sitting around talking and arguing would be unrealistic. They will be either fleeing and/or fortifying the castle and making weapons.

  3. The leaked script is a rough draft — what if Daario is a THOTD BDAE — Three Heads of the Dragon Blackfyre Double Agent Extraordinaire? Euron jokes that he's using Cersei wrt the Golden Company, but the joke will be on him. Remember how Howland Reed saved Ned Stark's butt at the Tower of Joy? Daario will save Theon's butt fighting Euron, but will let Theon take credit in front of Yara :). Then Daario and Theon will lead the Golden Company, Second Sons, and Iron Born to bail out Dany. TV Daario will be combined with Young Griff/Aegon (just a wee bit older than Jon, which synchs up well!) and therefore might really be the son of Illyrio and Serra (Serra being the Blackfyre). Now you will have the Young Griff claim, the Jon claim, and the Dany claim — THREE HEADS OF THE DRAGON. By WORKING TOGETHER, and not FIGHTING EACH OTHER, they will break the wheel.

  4. Season 7 spoilers….

    Edd is at Castle Black not Eastwatch and the way the left off season 7, the army of the dead seemed to marched straight past Eastwatch towards the Karstark/Umber strongholds not towards Castle Black.

    Killing Beric off screen doesn't seem just to the character.

    Makes sense about Sansa feeling Dany out considering Littlefinger put it in her head that those two may want to marry.

    Wonder if Dario will come back and play a part as he should get wind of the GC going to KL for Cersei and he may decide to leave Mereen and join Dany in Westeros and warn her or he could take the GC from under Euron and sail them to Westeros for Dany.

    Theon at the end of season 7 set off to save Yara so doesn't make sense he'd be in Winterfell.

    Why would Melisandre be afraid to return to the North considering she told Varys she'd be back to die in Westeros

    Aside from that, this script seems very plausible based on the way they ended season 7

  5. Hi GoT fellow fans……Regarding the Stark's sword " Ice " being melted down into 2 Lannister sword can only being made righteous by reforging these 2 swords back to its original form….Now then, because of this new epic battle of the dawn approaching the north there's more sacrifices that must be made. As stated that a 1on 1 fight would be amongst Jon n the Knight's king the only weapon that will defunately help Jon defeat the Knight king is the sword called "Light Bringer"…..But, we know the process to forge this great/magical weapon would need for it to be plunged thru the heart of this last n important victim….Possibly Deanny that may find herself taking an vital injury in her heart for her people…..This is a bitter sweet ending for this character…..What u guys think ????


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