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Day 2 of our Game of Thrones Let’s Watch series has Michael & Gavin making their way to Castle Black to swear an oath to the Night’s Watch.
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Let’s Watch – Telltale Game of Thrones – Episode 2: The Lost Lords



  1. Hi, All here i came because i need you guys support .I launched my game in google playstore.Its 2D and 3D effect game.

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    Please play and send your feedback.How is it.Also info me speed ,performance and accuracy . I am waiting for you guys feedback .@thanks

  2. these guys man, borderline unwatchable.

    *character says "Elana's here."

    hipster guy repeats it loudly and obnoxiously

    the two of them laugh

    rinse and repeat for two hours.

    And im a fan of stupid humor but this is just ridiculous, and the the seth rogen looking guy is not even close to as funny as he thinks he is. But here I am watching all these videos so I guess the joke is on me. FML. Welp…here's to me looking forward to these two idiots repeating lines of dialogue from the game in a retarded sounding over the top voice and then cracking up about it over and over again for the next hour.

  3. Ironwood is a real tree in the southeast. I am a forest management major at NCSU, and ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana) has some of the densest hardest wood in the US. In studying to be a forester, I am enjoying there being a "forester" house.

  4. Did anyone else catch the irony with the sword? Ryon put Ethan's and Rodrick's names on the sword because Ethan was the living lord and Rodrick was dead, and now it's completely reversed. Oh, Telltale…

  5. wtf It wouldn't aim right for me on the crossbow training! And I chose to do that one first! The guy said "seven hells, you're terrible" and then Jon left!! Is the Mobile version glitched or something?


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