Game of Thrones Season 5 has us believing the theory that R+L = J is real. Can Jon Snow really be the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark? Here’s compelling proof from Season 5 that Jon Snow could be the true heir to the throne. Let us know if you agree!
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I'm back reading all the hate comments and laugh. What now, huh?
Stannis Baratheon is the One True King of Westeros!
If this is true he is the "Son" of Fire and Ice
Holy fuck this bitches hands movements are super obnoxious and unnecessary. Not to mention how annoying she is in general.
Its fucking Daenerys not "Danny"
Why so many dislikes.
Parentage-uncertainty and veils are one of the primary premises of the entire story, as well as things not being what they seem. Clearly the show (and books through symbolism: Dany's Dream: Blue flower on an ice wall), has revealed fairly certainly that R + L = J is true, however the real mystery is the reason why Rhaegar did what he did. The most likely scenario (in my humble opinion), is that Brandon had an influence, based on Brandons ability to influence through green sight (Hodor), then it seems possible and even likely that Brandon influenced Rhaegar to do what he did as it was necessary for him to save the world. Rhaegar was not interested in fighting and was "Bookish until he read a book" at which point he took himself to the yard and told his master at arms that it seems he must become a warrior, he seems to have had the realization of his destiny. It is unclear whether he believed that he was the prince that was promised, or that he was to be the progenitor of Azor Ahai.
Take a chill pill, two of her points were not the most valid ever, but the girl was right.
Egg is Aemon's brother Aegon…
wow what an elementary school level analysis. america, we got dumb fats
Damn. Looking at all those old comments makes me laugh.
Every time someone calls Daenerys "Daeny" a dragon dies.
Awesome how Clue 6 plays out exactly as stated here! GoT follows sound logic.
now we know the truth…
Maybe you should consider taking this video down? I'm also seriously considering R+L=J, but this video is just embarrassing.
Um…I can appreciate your speculation, but if you're not correct, dont blame it on someone trolling you…you just wind up being wrong–accept that you're not always right
I'm a backer of the R+L=J hypothesis, but the hardcore backers need to take a chill pill. You do realise the difference between foreshadowing and speculation, and evidence and hypothesising? Let's just take a look at some definitions here.
1. Evidence or argument establishing a fact or the truth of a statement.
Okay, lets take a look at the word "Evidence".
1. The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
Source: Oxford English Dictionary
People shouldn't use words if they don't know what they mean. So when you say "proof" you better fucking have proof if you don't want to look like a complete twat. This is a fundamental problem with a large body of the ASOIAF fandom, especially more so when it comes to fans of the show only. They like to say shit like "R+L=J confirmed" or "Cleganebowl confirmed! get hype!" (I actually like that one just for the novelty of it). These people are fucking dumb arses, they latch on to whatever they can find. Let me break something down for these idiots, it's not confirmed until it either is explicitly stated, or occurs on the show or in the book.
Side rant. This is not necessarily aimed at R+L=J, rather something that has been bothering me lately.
People lose their shit over hypothesising (I won't use the word theory, because a theory requires evidence) and they come up with some crazy bullshit like Benjen is Daario, or Roose Bolton is an immortal skin stealing demon, or an Other, etc. Foreshadowing is not evidence, okay? Some of these hypotheses like Benjen = Daario don't even have foreshadowing to back them up, not even reasonable deductions. And people accuse Preston Jacobs of crazy shit? I say "fuck off" to those people, seriously, at least the bloke actually backs up his opinions with content from the books.
Now I know what some people might say in response to this. "Oh well actually, the real fans of the story make theories. It's what intelligent people do, they ask questions." Fuck off with that. Intelligent people don't craft crazy theories without a lick of evidence. Intelligent people ask questions, yes that is true, but they look for the fucking answer, not sit with their fingers up their arse.
Let's look at a real world example. Isaac Newton couldn't figure out how gravity worked, he asked the question, observed, hypothesised, experimented, calculated, etc. until he came up with his Theory of Gravity. This is an example of an intelligent person. Then we have a bitch with no brains, but clearly big tits – Jenny McCarthy, so that must mean we should listen to her right? (rhetorical) This brain dead moron made an observation, her child was diagnosed with Autism sometime after being vaccinated, she asked a question "Are vaccines safe?", did she look for the answer though? – NO She just made shit up, threw it at the wall, and hoped it sticked. Does she have any proof for her retarded ass claim? Again, a resounding NO. These backward thinking pseudo intellectual morons who come up with these "theories" are the ASOIAF fandom equivalent of Jenny McCarthy.
If you're offended by this then maybe you need to reevaluate how you think. Side rant over, I needed to get that out.
The it's probably R+L=J in the show, but it has too be more complicated in the books.
Oh my lord this bitch is so stupid…
Egg is in reference to his brother Aegon V Targaryen, not "tied to something about some girl"
He said Egg, as Is AEGON. Goddamn. I believe the theory but your justification is woeful
before season 6 was filmed the producers personally came to see George R.R Martin to discuss season 6 and the only reason the tv series are allowed to continue before the release of the book was because it's pointing to the same ending as what George wanted. With the Tower of Joy flashback scene confirmed i think it's a sure thing
R+L=J will NOT be true in the books. There's far too much evidence to the contrary. If anything Dany is R+L=D and Jon snow is the Son of either Brandon Stark and Ashara Dayne or Ned and AD. The show will probably make Jon a Targ based on this theory because stupid idiots create videos like this and create hype, hype creates high ratings so obviously they'll implement it into the show.
Also annoys me how people think they're clever when talking about R+L=J just because they read a Buzzfeed article about it.
::cringe:: ::cringe:: Oh SEVEN HELLS! My god these so called "proofs" are VAGUELY circumstantial at best, and the others are so completely wrong it's not even…I can't…you lost me at the "Egg" thing…I'll bet you "ship Jon and Khaleesi (I use Khaleesi sarcastically because people like this don't call her by her ACTUAL name). Please never, ever do this again…please…
But John has pure black hair, the hole thing on family is the fact that the hair is symbolic to each house and family, the Tygaryans pure white hair, Starks long black hair or brown, Lanister golden locks, so we know how they work as they keep mentioning hair colour at least once a season, mostly when Joffery was named King. So if it's true that John is secretly, a Tygaryan, then wouldn't he have white hair. But still that may make it too obvious so maybe they bypassed this tradition to make it more of guessing game
if you go to lyanna stark on the game of thrones wiki, if you look where it says the season these people are in, hers says 6
When was thus filmed? The episode before the finale, bc John snow is.. Well… You know
the Alt Shift X R+L = J theory is done well if you haven't seen it. also Radio Westeros Episode 5 but it's over 1 and a half
She is also forgetting the major fact that when Lyanna was dying during Roberts Rebelion Ned found her and she told him a "secret" that hasn't been revealed yet. Martin wouldn't write this into the book and not reveal it if it wasn't of great importance. On another note, it is said in Dance with dragons, Davos needed passage to white harbor and is told that Ned stark fathered a bastard with a girl on a fishing boat but when you go to find it in the wiki, it doesn't say anything about it even though many would think that confirms Jons mother. Obviously It is a lie to cover for Lyanna, or else Martin wouldn't have revealed Jons mom so easily
pretty ridiculous explanation. Lots of holes in it, read a book lady.
You don't know anything about anything, so many inaccuracies in this video, stop jumping on the r+l=j bandwagon, when you don't know anything about the universe, it is an overrated theory in general and falls apart when you go into more details about Robert's rebellion.
Probably, kinda, maybe
Just shut the fuck up you fat stuck up cunt
I love this show
R+L=J is true, but 50% of the "facts" presented here are either not relevant or untrue… and there are many better reasons for r+l=j
I agree with the theory, and have found much better evidence (having you know, actually read the book.) However, some of the "hints" on this video are just awful. Many comments have already noted who The Mother is in their religion, as well as who Aemon was referring to when he talked about Egg. In fact it's explained quite well to Sam during, I believe, the journey to Oldtown. It's great to make a video about R + L=J, but please don't insult fans of the books this way.
well jon is dead so