Hey everyone, I’m back for another Game of Thrones video! I take a look through Season 7 to make some predictions for the upcoming final season! I’m going to be discussing battles, reunions, story events, and deaths. Post your thoughts and comments below!

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  1. Im surprised nobody is mentioning the fact that when Dany learns about Jon's true parentage, Dany is going to flip and lose her shit. She has mentioned it. The only faith she had was in her because of her claim to the Iron Throne, and when she learns that Jon has an even stronger claim, she will feel betrayed. Let us not forget also about the betrayals Dany was going to suffer.
    Dany is not going to take well this new information because she wants the throne for herself, she won't be happy with the idea to be the queen of someone else. So I think that Targbowl may happen.

  2. My Prediction:
    Gendry's Hammer will suddenly remember that it is a massive chuck of steel and actually have weight, Gendry will simultaneously remember that a 7kg maul is not an effective fighting tool unless your name is Either Paul Bunyan and make a weapon that doesn't look like something out of final fantasy.

  3. I think Jon is the one who kills Ghost. In a sense, having to reject his bastard background and accept his Targaryan side. Maybe he'll even do this to protect Dany, since these two sides inexplicably clash, and emotions may already be running high due to the circumstances under which this truth comes to light. And of course, maester Aemon's multifaceted words of wisdom 'kill the boy' may come back to him in this.

  4. I have a few event predictions to add to your list. 1. I think they will reveal that Tyrion is the 3rd Targaryen. (The dragon has 3 heads). 2. Bran and Sam can tell Jon he's a Targaryen all they want, but the proof will be Jon walking through fire and being 'unburnt' (like Dany). 3. Cercei and Dany will die in the end and Jon will win the 'Game of Thrones'.

  5. Callum's moving across country. The Dom is moving to America. CallunaxDom confirmed?

    Edit: I really hope they don't kill ghost and let Jon keep him and have rhaegal. That way it's more symbolic of him being both stark and targaryen

  6. I think part of the reason they've kept Tormund around, other than being popular and fun to write for, is that he's the only representative of the Wildling tribes. They're a major faction on the show, but Tormund is the only named one with a distinct persona left alive. If you lose the last major Wildling, you lose the connection they have to Jon.

  7. Something I'd love to see would be if Danny ends up on the Iron Throne, or maybe making her own to show a new era, while Jon stays and reigns the North, despite him being the true heir of the throne. Whenever you ask Dannys followers, they happily state that they don't support her because of her blood, but because of her character. She would be the better leader of the kingdoms, while Jon knows much more about the north and what the north needs, even with the white wanderers gone, it's still a heavy contrast to the rest of the seven kingdoms.
    Another solution I'd love to see is a shared rule of Danny and Jon, that they have equal rights to speak and rule together, in compared to one ruling while the other one is on the passenger seat (though in this case, I'd still put Jon on the passenger seat, simply because he has a softer heart and could balance out some of Dannys decisions or give her further support, while Jon would probably be very overwhelmed about ruling 7 kingdoms and, let's face it, it's not something he'd like to do anyway.

  8. OMG, are you and the Dom moving in together?

    I kind of like the theory that Jon will turn out to be Azor Ahai, and Dany the Nissa Nissa counterpart— maybe Beric would sacrifice his life to resurrect her afterward. I like the idea the valonqar might be the child Cersei is currently carrying. As for who gets the Iron Throne… I think it might be Sansa and Tyrion, acting as regents for Jon and Dany's baby. If we go for the Nissa Nissa idea I mentioned earlier, maybe Jon would be horrified by what Dany comes back as (since Lady Stoneheart isn't really Catelyn anymore), and chooses to kill both her and himself, rather than leave her as what she's become. With an infant as the only remaining Targaryen heir, Sansa and Tyrion would be the ones best equipped to run the realm until the child comes of age. I don't ship them, per se, but I liked the friendship they had started.

  9. I feel like your comments about Tormund are also pretty applicable to Jorah. I thought for sure that he was going to sacrifice himself beyond the wall so that Dany and/or Jon could escape. Why is he still here? Bringing him back this season was kind of pointless. They managed to write him out of the show at the end of season 6, but he came back anyway. This season really didn't do it's job when it came to killing off extraneous supporting cast. Aside from Olenna, the only other characters killed off were either widely hated or so minor that they don't have a passionate fanbase. Grey Worm, Bronn and Tormund all managed to survive situations that should have killed them. We have too many characters that have nothing to do.

  10. I am absolutely stunned by how much your predictions correspond with mine! There are still discrepancies of course. Great video as always, Calluna! Thank Christ you finally came around on this.

  11. If they kill off Ghost, the franchise will not see another dime from me. Books, show, spin-offs, toys, nadda. Killing dogs is the cheapest of writing hacks. I have no idea what happens after the beginning of John Wick. Don't care. They got my money for a ticket, but the sequels will go unwatched. If that's what you need to do to elicit emotion from the audience you are not a writer.

  12. Great predictions! When you mentioned that the show creators want to see more of Lena Hadley's death glares, I instantly thought of the channel called The Dragon Demands; the blogger there very passionately argues that D&D change the book and deviate from logic all the time exclusively because they loooove to show off particular emotions in their favourite actors. I think his claims make a lot of sense in the context of season 7. Have you ever seen it?
    Also, good luck with the move, it's such a chore!


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