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Mike Carlson (Actor), Cody Decker (Professional Baseball Player) and Samm Levine (Actor, Inglorious Basterds) debate the following topics with judge Andy Signore (ScreenJunkies) and fact checker Dan Murrell (ScreenJunkies) for the week of 9/12/2016:

Pick your FIGHT below! ▼▼
0:06:52 ROUND 1 – Pitch a Better Random Movie Sequel with a Baby
0:19:14 ROUND 2 – What two other actors should join Del Toro’s team in the new “Predator” film? What roles should they play?
0:33:55 ROUND 3 – Which Pixar movie should be made into live-action?
0:48:23 ROUND 4 – @travisofmarvel pitch a sports movie where the team & coach are played by other movie characters
1:05:09 ROUND 5 – @troyloxton Best film that will stand the test of time, 100 years from now.

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Support Our Fighters:
Mike Carlson –
Cody Decker –
Samm Levine –
Dan Murrell –
Andy Signore –

Andy Signore, Dan Murrell, & Ken Napzok



  1. Samm should have defenitely won, Matrix 2 is awesome, has some of the best action sequences of all time, the best chase of all time, good new characters, there is one scene thats confusing, its the archictec explanation, but the movie is really good

  2. The Incredibles was supposed to be a live-action movie, and I think it shows in the script. It was the first Pixar movie where humans were main characters. It's your James Bond hommage a la Austin Powers, and it would work just as fine in real action.

  3. OK, sometimes people give these actors too much credit. "Put Wallace Shawn in and he'll kick ass!" "Put the Rock in and it'll automatically be a blast!" Actors have to work with the script they're given, and they need other good actors to work with and competent direction. There's a lot more to movie magic than just casting.

  4. This one sounded like Baked Movie Fights at times.

    Round 1: These are all silly, but the Three Amigos one makes the most sense. The others don't even hold together conceptually.

    Round 2: I like the Rock/Wesley Snipes argument best. They fit the genre.

    Round 3: Wall•E, of course. The fact that it's a sci-fi adventure helps it in live-action.

    Round 4: Again, all the options are extremely silly. I prefer Mike's, which at least makes some sense.

    Round 5: I'd go with Casablanca. It's the most timeless.

    Speed Round 1: Austin Powers. I haven't seen this or Wayne's World, but Wayne's World looks worse.

    Speed Round 2: Step Brothers. Action-comedies can be tiresome.

    Speed Round 3: Samm. The only arguments against Xavier's school were sort of jokey.

    Speed Round 4: Samm again. Die Hard is more fun.

    Speed Round 5: Gary Oldman. All of Mike's points for him and against Malkovich were spot on.

    Speed Round 6: I have to give it to Matrix Reloaded. Neither Godfather nor The Matrix needed additional installments, but with The Matrix fans at least had reason to expect something awesome and unprecedented, given the way the first Matrix ends.

  5. Congratulations, Screen Junkies.
    Also, I love Samm's laugh. :p

    Pitch a Better Random Movie Sequel with a Baby

    – I get that it's meant to be fun but the 'James Bond' pitch wofrks for an 'Austin Powers' movie. That's overly ridiculous for 'James Bond'. It pushes the boundaries of realism, it doesn't go all-out self-parody. I think Samm made a good point too about both movies being one-note.

    What two other actors should join Del Toro’s team in the new “Predator” film? What roles should they play?

    – The Rock can't act so I don't want to see him in a film franchise I love. I've not actually seen any Wesley Snipes films.
    Wallace Shawn killing Predator left and right? Well I don't want the Predators seeming weaker nor am I keen on the idea of there being known other aliens in the 'Predator' franchise.
    What do you mean by questions that haven't made the show? (22:42).

    pitch a sports movie where the team & coach are played by other movie characters

    – That's a ridiculous ruling. Please don't give people points just to make it interesting.

    Best film that will stand the test of time, 100 years from now.

    – Great question. I'm going to say 'Jurassic Park'.
    It's also easy to pick animation as they don't tend to date. I can't think of an animation I find dated. Well obviously older ones portray more stereotypes of the time but they still work as films overall.

    'Step Brothers' versus '21 Jump Street'

    – I'm not big on comedy films in general but I found 'Step Brothers' boring whereas I quite enjoyed '21 Jump Street'.
    Also, Samm saying you don't learn how to defend Hogwarts? Have either of them seen the 'Harry Potter' films?


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