This is where it all began – the cold winds are coming to Westeros and a group of brave Crows are the first to encounter them.

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  1. Guys, I loved it! The books are truly fantastic. I don't know whether I would say, it's the best I ever read (García Márquez is perhaps still a little bit ahead for me) but it comes very close.
    One personal note: During seasons 1-4 I agreed to almost every single decision the show runners made to adapt the books to TV but there is one thing which you also pointed out in this video which I think was a terribly bad choice from very early on: to make the White Walkers simple monsters. GRRM did no such thing and I guess, he had good reasons to do so and they deliberately ignored this. Now, with the experience of especially seasons 6 & 7, this early decision already showed that they were eventually going to dumb down this great novel.

  2. Hold on, you can't possibly plan to do a video for each and every chapter for each and every book? I mean that would be great, but it would literally take you years and years and years. George might even have finished the series by the time you finish A Dance with Dragons!

  3. We are told that Waymar's sword hilt has jewels in it. Unfortunately, we don't know what type. In Dance, as the wildlings are passing through the Wall they have to make "payment". Jon mentions that someone had "produced a broken sword with three sapphires in the hilt." Could this coincidentally be Waymar's?? I don't know but it stuck in my mind since I'm finishing up Dance and thought I'd mention it. Love that you are doing these videos!!

  4. I was thinking about starting a re-read to pass time between tv seasons (and books)…but also to be caught up for whichever spinoff
    may come our way.
    …how often will you do these videos?

  5. Just wanted to say this new series is seriously good. I've not yet watched a chapter overview for ASoIaF that's raised so many points I hadn't thought of in such a fluid way. It's also inspired me to begin a 3rd re-read of the series so I can follow along with you guys.

    This is back to your original stuff and why I subbed way back in the day. Seriously awesome – keep it up guys! 😀

  6. this is related to the next chapter, but why do you think the surviving Black Brother ran all the way south and deserted the Watch? he wasn't able to tell anyone, warn them. He could have talked to Aemon, or convince Mormont. I hope you'll discuss the issue in the execution scene next chapter. Ned's actions are honor-bound too, but re-reading it you see how dumb the "wheel" really is.

  7. That was genuinely interesting and I do agree with all the points you made (line about meal included). My experience has been different; I was sistting on the fence after reading the Prologue, for I adore history but I'm not a fantasy novels rider and I was kinda put off by the 'supernatural' elements in the Prologue and at the same time intrigued by it, first because we readers were clearly thrown in medias res and I had the feeling we were eyeing a big world by a side door (so you want to see the rest of that universe) and second because I am a crime novel – and historical crime novels – rider and I wanted to solve the mystery (what about those creatures? what's wrong? etc.). I made my decision to read the whole thing later on tho, what really had me hooked was the political intrigue (who killed Jon Arryn and why? whose dagger was the one which nearly killed Bran?) and Tyrion's storyline, I wanted to know what would be of him. Then of course many other things made me continue reading them.

  8. I've a question: why does Royce get to lead this party? I thought leadership had to be earned on the Wall. He seems/seemed so…unworthy to lead a ranging. Clearly the least qualified of the three, anyway.

  9. Awesome! I am actually starting to read the books and I'm loving the first one. My favorite part of the prologue was the fear that the chapter was building, because at first, these guys from the Night's Watch are just chatting and not worrying about anything and then suddenly that starts to change very darkly, it was awesome!


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