David Beckham has said that he was “starstruck” at meeting Game Of Thrones actor John Bradley.

Manchester-born Bradley – a keen Manchester United supporter – plays fan favourite Samwell Tarly in the massively popular HBO show.

Bradley recently met former United star Beckham, who posted a picture of the pair together to Instagram, writing in a caption: “This man is a maester, he knows things… Was tempted to ask for a little clue into what’s next but was [too] star struck”.

Bradley posted the same photo to his own Instagram page and wrote: “This just happened!! The one and only @davidbeckham. What more needs to be said? I love this man.”

See the photo beneath:

Meanwhile, Bradley also saw Morrissey this week, attending the former Smiths frontman’s 6 Music session. He wrote on Instagram afterwards: “Today I saw Morrissey from 20 feet away. I don’t care what happens to me now”.

Game Of Thrones season 7 recently concluded. Find out everything we know about season 8 here.

It was recently reported that season 8 might air later than previously expected.

The show’s producers are reportedly considering a plan to begin filming Game Of Thrones season 8 in October 2017, with production set to carry through all the way until August 2018. This could delay the episodes’ air date until 2019.

HBO programming boss Casey Bloys said: “Our production people are trying to figure out a timeline for the shoot and how much time the special effects take. The shooting is complicated enough — on different continents, with all the technical aspects — and the special effects are a whole other production period that we’re trying to figure out. That is a big factor in all of this.”



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