Thank you again team fro the wonderful clips!

* the bleeping is a test Ghost is trying for the “suitable content” hammer*
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  1. i understand why you're bleeping, but it really throws everything off for me. not to mention that ghost and even preach to an extent curse so much, it just really sucks for me and i dont find it entertaining at all. again i get it you arent going to get any revenue from youtube if you dont censor curse words, but it just really sucks man.

  2. While I understand that you guys have to do what you have to do to stop youtube from destroying you channel, the censoring is just annoying and kills the fun to me. It's like listening to a censored rap song where the whole thing just feels wrong. Maybe you guys could put some sort of cringy trigger warning or something at the start to appease the SJW company.

  3. The bleeping is probably not gonna change anything. Even fucking minecraft-youtubers are getting demonetized.. youtubers like bdoublo100 and docm77 is getting demonetized and they havnt used even one swear word in all thier videos.. and thier videos is about minecraft, doesnt get more family friendly than that.

  4. I've always maintained censoring swear words with bleeps is retarded since it makes it more evident that you're swearing.

    Regardless, fuck you YouTube. In the words of the great Scroobius Pop "I find it interesting, 'cause in the end they are just words. You give them power when you cower, man, it's so absurd."


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