What happened to magic after the Doom of Valyria? Why did magic come back? And what do the Targaryen words Fire and Blood actually mean?

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  1. Superb content as always. What a pleasure to receive a notice of a fresh video from you. While it seems clear there is a connection between Daenerys and magic, I can't put a finger of the nature of the connection. It is also clear to me this connection is what makes her TPTWP. What I REALLY want to know is if more dragon eggs shall turn up.

  2. I thought the magic had died down because the Targaryen line had also died down. As the Targaryen line was nearly wiped out, the magic grew weaker making it harder for dragons to be hatched and the ones that did were weak and small. I thought that was why the White Walkers were gaining strength because of the balance of power shift between the two magics. The magic North of the wall was still going strong because the White Walkers were gaining strength.

    I'm still unsure about the fact that a blood sacrifice is needed in order to hatch a dragon. If that is the case then why would it never be mentioned anywhere in the history or stories in the books? I think it would be a really big thing to leave out or somehow forget about. Wouldn't people be talking about the crazy blood sacrificing Targaryens that use people to hatch their dragons? They mention the fact that eggs were placed in cribs for bonding and hopes that they would hatch. I thought the fire was needed for Dany's eggs because they were very old eggs. The only blood sacrifice during the hatching of her eggs was MMD really. Drogo was dead already. Rhaego, that's a whole other story. He is alive so he could not be a blood sacrifice. Dany's statement to MMD, "Only death can pay for life." Yes, Dany learned a harsh lesson from MMD. Dany made MMD pay with her life because she felt that MMD killed her son and lied about saving Drogo's life. MMD was paying death for life. Again it is one of those statements that can be interpreted multiple ways.

    The dragons are back. The birth of Rhaego and now the future birth of more Targaryen babies is on the horizon. The magic is getting stronger again. I think the WW know that with their greensight abilities. I think it was make it or break it time when the Targaryens were at their weakest. I think that's what set the WW in motion. They were on the move trying to prevent things from happening. Since they couldn't get past the wall yet they were creating havoc North of the wall. Trying to get Jon most likely.

  3. As always, great video! I wonder if magic needs to be "believed in" to work or at least consistently work. As cheesy as that sounds. As the dragons died out, there wasn't alot of evidence of magic. Most people were poor, slaves, or just jaded at power of any kind. The People who were rich wanted power and magic could make them seem less powerful and it was a threat. People lost the want or need for magic. The maesters, I believe, had a huge roll in the lack of magic. They got power hungry. I don't think it ever went completely away. It was just hidden. In the TV series, I love how they show the wow factor of dragons. The dragon pit scenes were some of my favorites because between Drogon and the wight there was no denying magic.

  4. Maybe the NK suddenly gained strength fairly recently because he could create new WWs from Craster's sacrificial sons? Apparently, Gilly's baby is Craster's 100th son. Does the NK want her baby? Is the number 100 significant to him? If so, Sam may need Hearts Bane to protect him. Prediction: Gilly is MUCH more important to the story than we know so far…

  5. the magic returned because of Daenerys. She's a pure Targaryen with magic in her blood. In the books she has prophetic dreams, she doesn't get burned, and she seemed to.know exactly what do do to hatch her dragons. Not.every.Targaryen has this kind of power – her brothers Viserys or Rhaegar didn't, but perhaps her father, the mad king Aerys II had it too, but he lacked the dragon eggs. That's why valyrian families practiced incest as a way to keep the magic in their bloodline.
    Thst's why.I believe Daemerys.is the princess that was promised, for her has the power to bring her magic back to Westeros.

  6. Hey. I'm only just putting my head around this. Feel free to challenge.

    The key to this breakthrough was understanding why red priests have no power on high heart but have more power on the wall. And. That Hugor Hill was visited and give a pale maid and armour to invade westeros.

    The maids are the 7, and there were 6 children plus bloodraven. So, that means the children are running the church if the 7. They are also part of the weirwoods. Why?

    Well, Jon can't connect to Ghost through the wall? Weirwood magic is being isolated. Now we know exactly what's going on. The children are protecting trees in the North from trees in the south.

    The next thing we need to understand is that the giants are all dead. They died in the bone mountains. Read the wiki description of giants. The tall men beyond the wall are not giants. They're the first men, hairy men. When wildling sing about the last giant Jon is confused because he thinks there are giants in front of him. "You know nothing Jon Snow. The north remembers." Those are first men. The wildlings in the North know that the much taller creatures in the bone mountains were the real giants. The rest of the world forgot.

    What you see running around Westeros is the Andals, and a few other races that were shorter than the hairy men. People like Dunken the Tall, Sandor, Gegor, Hodor, these are what is left from families that married. This is super important because the Andals were sent to Westeros to destroy weirwoods and kill all the first men.

    What? That's nuts. Why? Because the children don t have kids fast at all. There were 7 when they sent the Andals, and we only see 6 now. When the children let their spirits into the weirwoods they were picky. It was probably only greenseers. Neither the first men or any that followed understood that. They was bone or bodies and assumed they were sacrifices and such. The spirits of those dead are overwhelming the spirits of the children. Weirwoods like the one at Harrenhall are full of so many angry hurt souls they act out. The ravens are full of random souls, mostly murdered before a Heartree. The children are planning to burn everything south of the wall. That's why they're isolating the trees on that side. I don't know if they can't connect themselves because they aren't greenseers, or they just want to train Bran. But, they don t have children often enough so they're trying to take advantage of men so their is a better chance

    Further I'm not sure how much needs be shifted in history. The story of the last hero if the first men. He set out with 12 friends, a horse, and a dog. Every one died, and then the lights dim and we never find out what they gave him. Because they didn't. He set out to find them and he died beyond the wall, where the last few remain.

    The children use weirwood magic. But they've found a way of applying magic on an ice and fire spectrum where there aren't any weirwoods. The magic can't cross.

    So children, first men, wars, peace. And the for some reason the long night and ice. Something happened right there. Ice entered the world and when the dawn came the first men were all in the North with wildlings. Some how this means dragons. Why? Because a purple eyed race appeared. They are connected to cold. It's always seemed super weird that blue/purple eyed people are riding dragons. But for some reason Ice filled the world and then it pulled back trapping Ice Shadows, wildlings and first men. And then the stories of Florion, galladon of morne. All swords passed from pale deep blue eyes. And curiously, Dawn came from a meteor or black stone.

    I can't figure out if history is a bit off or what. My guess is that the goal was to push heat. Is the cold in winterfell sucking heat out? Or press heat down? The iron island was a volcano that suddenly blew. The Grey king made a ship of a weirwood and as it cooled the heat would keep his halls warm. I'll place bets on the arm as well. The Base of Hightower, stormsend, plugs to prevent it. If the fire on Valaryia made it blow, it's because heat was pressed from somewhere else to it.

    I'm still looking through stuff but I can't find the shepherd to dragon rider legend. But the ice in the North was used to make dragons.

    Valar Margulies
    All men must die. All men must serve.
    So far having this come from Braavos feels off. Basicly, there will be no more human spirits ruining the weirwoods. Their spirits aren't clean. All men must serve. The children want humans back in the mines. Doing as they're told.

    I don't know if D&D have grasped Planetos on this level. Among the many plots of men, the children are working on something with Bran. The Sept and probably the maesters are wittingly or otherwise involved. Anything connected to the 7 is them.

    There's a couple things I'm still trying to get the shape of. But basically, a layer if tree magic, with a layer of ice magic. They seem to conflict. And if they don't want ccontaminated weirwoods they need to clear all and start over. Fire and Blood.

  7. Hellow sweet Robert …excellent video..I do think that Valyrian magic disappears f long time ago because remember the previous vid that you got said there that the Faceless Mens did perform a magical ritual for to destroy Valyria with the help of the forces of nature[her volcanos]…Valyria was destroy by magic and the ritual who performed from FM was the thing that cause also the disappearance of the Valyrian. Magic..And of course after Valyria did destroyed and some Essos parts they got problems…but magic in some Essosi cities did survive..in Asshai,Yi Ti and in Styggai by the Red Priests of Rhilor…in Bravos and in Lorath by the FM …Also in some Westerosi places like in the North beyond the Wall magic does exist and performed by the Wargs and the 3 Eyed Raven..Wasnt disappear at all..In your previous vid i was talking also for the Atlantis…the are some similarities between Atlantis in our world and Valyria in the ASOIAF..Also after the doom of the Atlantis ..some Atlantians they got escape the doom [like the Targaryens]and bring some practices of the Atlantian magic,the technology and the Atlantian knowledge with them in other countries..Egyptians,Greeks,Sumerians,Arabians,Hindus,Incas,Aztecs and Mayas did adopt some of the practices,the rituals,the gods and other religious things from the Atlantians who they escape the doom and they travel to conquer other nations around them with their knowledge of magic and technology..Also i do think Dannys dragons are born with magic ..Of course dragons they had been and before Danny comes into this world..Her family[before Aerys] ride them,hook up them with each other for more dragon breeding for centuries and hatching their eggs performing the lost magic every time where new dragons get born..Mirri actually did sacrifice Dannys unborn son and the dragons they born ..Death pay for life..Danny somehow learn that how dragons do it to hatch ..maybe from her maidens perhaps..but actually it was Mirri who brings them to live…Rhaego,Drogo and Mirri they got burned/sacrificed for the dragons be born in the funeral pyre.That may to have to do and with the Azor Ahai myth..Maybe Danny is AA..She fullfil the bills for AA and Drogo/Rhaego to had been her Nissa Nissa and the Dragons the Lightbringer[Xharo Xoan Daxos S2 ..your dragons are flaming swords]..The comet also is a sign of dark events who will happen in the future.. has to do with dark prophesies and the fate of the people…In the GOT S2 the comet was been looked from the Dosh Khaleen[Where was Danny],from the Wall[Where was Jon ]from Winterfell[Where was Bran]and from the Dragonstone[Mellisandre]..its a sign of a new Messiah also…Jesus Christ it was born under a star..Maybe Danny/Jon/Bran to play the Messiah role in the upcoming season and also to be the 3 headed Dragon..Will see soon..Fire and blood also are significant in every magic performance in every place of the ASOIAF…..From the North beyond the Wall to Asshai and Valyrian magic will has to play a key role in the War To Comes in S8…But what that key role is ?..there are thousand questions with limited number of answers …Will be see..Sorry if my comment is large…but i like to write the things who i thinking…Sorry..lol..Keep continue the good work Robby

  8. Hi Robert, I am enjoying this series very much. I think the masters had something to do with the decline of dragons. After westeros had the dragon wars i feel the maesters wanted to kill the dragons off after all their destuction westetos has witnessed I also think the Tragity at Summerhall had something to do with the start of fire magic again… alot of fire and blood took place that night. Just my two cents. @indeepgeek

  9. I have been rereading the books and was wondering if the return of the White walkers is related to the comet and the dragons. Osha refered to them being aleep under the ice for thousands of years, what caused them to awaken?

  10. dragons r fire made flesh mmaaaggiicccc and have magical properties..thats why the night king waited so long for the dragons to be born thats was the only way thru the wall . sooo sad i miss viserionndue to i wanted to see what all three could do together, the show kinda robbed us of that . the fact is , we only saw all three for a few mins , then down he went !

  11. I think it’s to do with the war to come, that’s why magic is coming back > then the war is over then magic is gone forever many sacrifices on the way many deaths in this war will happen


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