Welcome back for another Game of Thrones Season 8 prediction video. Today I wanted to continue my list of characters that I believe will survive this dangerous game. There are many theories out there that say otherwise but I wanted to go on record now saying that I believe Jon Snow and Bran Stark will live even though many believe one of or both of them may have to sacrifice themselves. I may end up making a second video about Jon Snow and Bran Stark that way I can go into more detail. There are a handful of other characters on this list so let me know what you think. I will also post the link to the first video I made about which characters will survive. Check that out also if you haven’t already. Thanks for watching and supporting this channel over this past year! It really means a lot to me. Leave your questions and thoughts down below.

Images from Game of Thrones are property of their creators, used here under fair use.

Character Survival List Part 1:

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Light of the Seven Remix!



  1. I didn't get into it till like 2 weeks before the start of season 7 , I use to avoid GoT because I didn't think it was for me but now it's the only show where I literally would plan my Sundays around the time the show comes on lmao

  2. @talking thrones, I was thinking about that: If Daenerys dies it means that her baby will never be born. Let me explain you what I mean. Suppose she gets pregnant in that last sex scene, it takes 7/8/9 months to have a baby healthy and alive in that world. Considering this timing we have two options:
    1) Daenerys wins the war with Jon while pregnant, then dies of childbirth. This sounds quite strange, she survives that danger, then dies in that way? 😅
    2) she gets to Winterfell, she stays there for the time needed to have the baby, then goes to war and dies. This also sounds ridiculous beacuse white walkers are close to winterfell now, they will never wait that much.
    So I think that if Dany dies her baby won't be born, and the successor Tyrion talks about is not her child.
    On the other hand we all talk about Dany pregnancy, after what we have heard and seen in the season finale. So what do you think?
    The only credible options is that she will survives to the white walker war, have the baby and die to defeat Cersei, but I also think this option is strange, but not impossible

  3. I've been watching you almost from the very beginning then. Wow. It's been a fun ride so far, dude. Any thoughts on what you'll do when the show ends? We don't know how long they'll make us wait for the prequels, and the last book could be a decade away at this rate. I'll be relying on you to fill the time appropriately. 😉
    On the endgame idea: what if they have to banish magic north of The Wall (kinda like the end of Flight Of Dragons), and the bittersweet part is that Bran, Jon and Dany with her dragons (or whichever of them survive) have to spend the rest of their lives separate from the realm they saved? It would supply a reason for the Wall not coming down altogether.

  4. "Ramble" on and take another "10 more minutes"…lol… like the twist in your thinking. Yet, I do believe Dany and John (Aegon) both live, just 'bitter sweetly' apart as "Fire and Ice" *has to*.

  5. You deserve every success! Your videos are always accurate with a good, clear structure and you put so much work in them and viewers recognize and appreciate that! Congratulations on the great channel!

  6. One thing perplexes me. Ned knew who Jon really was, so why did he allow Catelyn to be so abusive to Jon all those years? Even if he didn't share the info with her, he could have put his foot down, and forbade her to treat his son so bad.


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