Back in 1993 George R.R. Martin wrote a three page outline for his original story he had in mind for his epic fantasy series ASOIAF. These were considered major spoilers at the time but so many details about this draft have changed over time you can’t say whether or not any of its still going to hold true. The most important thing in this outline were the five characters GrrM said would survive the entire series which were Daenerys, Tyrion, Jon, Arya, and Bran Stark. Which ones do you think will survive and does this have any significance for Game of Thrones Season 8.

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  1. nice vedio bro i think daenereys will die,
    as jon snow is targarean , he.ll be the king
    sansa will marry gendry
    arya kills cersi nd hound kills mountain
    arya may own dark sister as she is inspired by rheynes ,sister of ageon the conquror as she said to tywin lannister in season 2
    grey worm may die in the war with night king
    tyrion may end up with messendei
    brandon stark is something that i can't guess, i'm awaiting season 8 badly

  2. Terrific commentary and video. The storyline has changed but remains terrific. Jon & Arya aren't in love but share a beautiful relationship. I can't wait for their reunion! It seemed as if he still kept Sansa estranged as she was choosing the Lannisters over her family in the beginning.

    I just love this series. He needs to release the final books.

  3. Sophie Turner's not going anywhere, she seems too close with one of the HBO writers.  If there was a triangle with one of the Stark girls it would be Sansa, but Dany would have to die, leaving Jon with their child/ren and Sansa as his new queen.  Too late to bring that all about now.  Unless they start season 8 off with endless deaths without giving people time to mourn they would need at least 3 episodes to make Jon/Sansa/Tyrion play out.  Reguardless once Tyrion finds out who he really is, it will all work out.

  4. That mean Jaime Lannister would have made more sense.
    Wish that one had remained. That would explain why he killed the mad king. Tywin lannister's boy to the core. He was more like Euron Greyjoy.

  5. I hope Bran doesn't die.. he is the last male Stark so he is the only one who can continue the name. That is, of course if he can even have children. Being paralyzed might make that harder for him depending on the location and effects it has had on his body. There is also that whole three eyed Raven problem too haha He's not exactly been the most romantic fellow lately either lol But whatever! he's got to have a son. We need more Stark men! Lol I don't see Jon taking Targaryen but he also can't use Stark either… They should just make up a new name House Lanstargaryen! Err body be one big happy family lol

  6. TT your appreciation of your followers is a beautiful thing and your videos – awesome. Thank you. Lamentably I believe that both Dany and Jon will die. Baby will live and be protected by Tyrion, Davos, and Sam. Arya, Sansa, and Brienne will be it's fairy godmothers and uncle Bran will continue to become the old 3-eyed raven protector of the realm. Perhaps a few others may make it … it will be gruesome – 10hrs or more of horror before we see spring.

  7. tragic characters like tyrion lannister will probably die at the very end. and probably not in a very fulfilling way.
    arya and bran will survive. jon snow will survive aswell, probably injured.
    thats at least what i believe will happen.

  8. I liked this video. Very informative. I do think the Starks we have now will survive…Jon, Arya, Sansa and Bran. Also Tyrion and Dany will survive. I hope. I also hope Brienne and Pod survive. And Gendry. And Davos. Yes, they are lesser characters but I love them.

  9. Was Blood Raven or Bran secretly trying to communicate with the Lansisters mentally ill cousin, that was smashing the bugs over and over and over again? Something like how Bran drove Hador and the Mad King crazy?

  10. The story definitely has changed drastically from it's original outline. For one it is no longer five main characters. It is now six. Jon, Dany, Tyrion, Arya, Sansa and Bran. They are the only POV characters who started in AGOT and are still alive. And they are the characters with the most POV chapters (in the same order I mentioned before). Secondly I am not so sure that there is 100% guarantee that these main characters will survive. Plus being one of the second important characters doesn't mean you are likely to die, because last time I checked Samwell isn't one of the Main Six and majority of the fans agree that he will survive till the very end.

    The character I am 98% convinced of dying at the end is Dany. Would be a fitting, but a tragic ending for the Silver Queen. I could see her dying on the Trident, the same place her older brother died. Another character I fear for is Arya. With her it is 50/50%. On one hand there is disturbing amount of foreshadowing that she will die, but yet one of the reasons why Ned, Catelyn and Robb were killed off was to further her (and Sansa's) storyline. I don't see how a writer would kill off characters for the sake of giving another character development and KILL that said character. With her I am confused. With Tyrion I am also wish-washy. There is a good chance he will survive, but considering who he met in ADWD I wouldn't be the least bit surprised that he has grey scale. He might become a wright.

    Jon, Bran and Sansa will definitely survive. Jon and Sansa will survive because after the battle of dawn characters like them will be solely needed to rebuild Westeros. They are the two characters I am confident of being rulers at the end of the series. Bran I see surviving because, though the other characters will play an important part in the battle for Dawn he will, most likely, have the biggest part in ending the long night. The name of his dire wolf is no coincidence. He is, without a doubt, the 'Frodo' of ASOIAF.

  11. Survives = Sam,
    Someone needs to write the story.

    Most likely Dies = Jon,

    Who I'd like to;

    Survive =
    Sansa, Tyrion, Davos, Brienne

    Die =
    Cersei, Euron, Griff, Stannis, Melisandre, the Mountain


    Read on for my long-winded explanation for the why.


    Jon – If GRRM brings him back his sole purpose will be to unite everyone to stop the Others, as he already seems to be the only character capable of and (one of a few) focused on that. No reason for him to survive after that, unless he needs to become the new Night King King of Winter. If not, there are other characters that can and are doing his storylines from the show, most obviously Stannis.

    Sansa – she's been through enough and I'd like to see one carry on for the Stark's. And she's been on the receiving end of the dark side of the current political system.

    Tyrion – one of the most intelligent characters in the books. He made a good Hand. He's quite capable of playing the game and running things. Plus he's empathetic and somewhat relatable.

    Davos – the Last honorable man in Westeros

    Brienne – she's the only true Knight that we have seen

    Cersei – straight up petty and conniving. Her only redeeming quality is that she is fiercely protective of he children

    Euron – this man is both pure evil and insane. Though we've seen characters like this before, none of them have had the aspiration, plan and possibly the ability to dominate the 7 Kingdoms and then on to the World in order to declare himself a God.

    Griff/Connington – I don't trust this guy, he's too secretive and Tyrion doesn't trust him. That he's brought Greyscale to the 7 Kingdom's, doesn't help with that opinion. He's consumed with an old, mis-placed, imagined love and resentment, he'll do anything to honor that, even bring a war and kill his own in order to place a pretender on the Throne.

    Stannis – He's too hardheaded, too adamant in regards to old-world ideas about law, social order, rights and near everything else of that system. I don't see anyone escaping his justice. He'd also be hypocritical if he didn't apply the same rule to himself. Plus he's willing to let people be sacrificed to some foreign god in his pursuit of becoming King.

    Melisandre – though she is one of the only people that sees the real threat and she has dedicated her life to the cause of life. She's an absolutist and a religious zealot who sacrifices people to a god in order to achieve that end.

    the Mountain – he's a generic brute. Who's only point for his continued existence (that I can see) since book 3 that any generic big, tough, bad guy couldn't do is to wait for either; the Hound, Arya or some random person (perhaps MoonBoy for all I care) to kill him.

  12. Just a wild theory ….but if GRRMartin began his draft in 1993 of a trilogy and exceeded the expectations and length and breath of the novels …as he " became easily bored " as you pointed out in his initial letter to the editor.
    GRRM in-between wrote a parallel series on young Griff and Egg yet to appear in the tv series of 7 shows of 7 books which were intended to b 3. Yet as the viewer and reader have seen young Griff in the novels was the original one to be ushered in to take the throne of swords as whispered by spider …in book one.

    Never mentioned in the series how bittersweet if Young Griff appears to ascend …and be the new GOT replacement on H B O …I fear the last Ice and Fire book won't be out until a new GRRM series is ready to fill our vacant Sumer Sunday evenings an avid reader and GOT novel lover a fan of both GRRMs literature and the series…..of course the book always deeper and more wonderful then the movie or show I'm back to rereading the Books….and will be sad for any end of them or the tv series

  13. I think that anything George R R Martin said in that draft can be dismissed. He clearly changed his mind many times whilst writing these stories, so anything is possible, and no-one is safe.

    It's also pretty safe to assume that whatever he had planned for the final two books before the tv series began has been changed, too. We simply won't know until the books finally come out – if they ever come out.


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