A look a Bobby’s Bastard, the last son of House Baratheon

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  1. 29.30 One of my favourite all time Arya moments… "Go on down the road, carry on singing so we know where you are leave us be & I WON'T KILL YOU." Thoros wished he had more of her kind fighting with him..

  2. I hope Arya and Gendry will meet again, reconcile for the whole "Melisandre incident"😓 and further develop their relationship…😉💙💙!
    PS: Very much grateful for your efforts in posting all your rewinds, Kevin GT, you're great 👍😊!

  3. Dany and Jon will take the seven kingdoms with Gendry's help, fulfilling Melisandre's words of Gendry making Kings rise and fall (and Kings may also be loose and can refer to Queens too. Queens like Cersei).

    Dany will rule the 7 kingdoms.

    Jon, who already pledged himself to Queen Dany, will choose to keep to the North.

    Gendry will be officiated as a Baratheon and be considered a Lord. He will be given The Stormlands and Storms End Castle, both which once belonged to the Baratheon line.

    Sansa, who always wanted to rule a castle, and marry a Lord, will co rule the Stormlands as Gendry's wife, fulfilling both Ned's wish for Sansa to marry someone brave, kind and strong, and Robert's wish of the Starks and the Baratheon's joining their houses.

    Jon and Gendry will be Ned/Robert friendship 2.0

    Arya will double as an assassin and a Knight, something she's always wanted to be. She will either stay by Jon's side to protect him and Winterfell, or she will be needed in King's Landing to help Dany.

  4. 11:31 Gendry: U know shouldn't insult people bigger than u
    11:32 Arya: then I wouldn't get to insult anyone
    Gotta give Gendry credit of the shit he's been through he's still a good guy, if arya and him get together at least its less the fucked up than the relationships in the show

  5. I honestly would like for Gendry to be legitimized and claim the Iron Throne and marry Daenerys as his queen. It'd be better than her marrying her own nephew whom she's already fucked and could possibly be pregnant with a real bastard child from a fake bastard.

  6. Hey guys! I'm trying to raise money to finish school. Every dollar helps! If you can donate even $1 please do so because those dollars add up. If can get 2% of my daily views to donate a dollar each, then I should be able to pay for another semester. Not sure how close I can get to that, but let's see! If you can please donate at least $1 to my Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=Z2ZTDVAENL45A&lc=US&item_name=Donate&currency_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donate_SM%2egif%3aNonHosted or pledge a $1 or more to my Patreon https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3531864.

  7. Gendry, ""The Rightful Heir"" to King Robert Baratheon. Eddard Stark wrote at Robert's deathbed. The warrant which was torn by Cersei..the note will be found and kept by Ser Barriston or The Hound and turn up at the right time


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