

  1. Have to throw this comment out so people's heads don't explode. When I mention Dany's crazy Targaryen blood, i was trying to say she is related to the Mad King, Aerys. I wasn't able to get my point across well. I know Jon also has Targaryen blood. But his father wasn't the mad king. So this is why I don't trust Dany on the throne. I know Jon doesn't want to be king, but I'd like to see him on the throne. But I think Erica may be right, and Tyrion will end up on the throne. Anyways hope you guys enjoyed our reactions and discussion. We had fun, and so should you. Don't take things too seriously. ✌🏽❤️

  2. I haven't really jumped into Game Of Thrones. I don't like the dragons, and I'm happy that people are happy that winter is here. 🙂 I don't know what that means. I don't know if I can just jump into it now.

  3. Jon is incompetent. He got completely played by Ramsey. He would have died if not for Sansa. He has no business on the throne. He will fight and fight, maybe beat the walkers and die in the process. Littlefinger will obviously fail. Cersei will die. Tyrion has sworn allegiance to Dany and would never sit on the throne with her around. Plus he has no claim. Dany will sit on the throne, but before the show ends, they will show that her crazy side (which they have hinted at) will take over and someone close to her will have to kill her (Tyrion). But they only tease that and as the show has come full circle, it will drop the mic and draw the curtains.

  4. If only there could be some sort of small council to rule seven kingdoms, as a collective, that would make this so much easier. Instead of all this me, me, me bullshit 😅. Then we can have ALL of our favorites either rule (Jon, Daenerys and Tyrion together as one) or be advisors to those who rule on this imagined small council. 🙏 Too much to ask? 🤞🤞 Lol

  5. That point Abby made was so true:

    "I thought life was over when Ned Stark died in the beginning. I was just like eff this showww! Eff it…" 🤣🤣
    I, and definitely millions, felt the same way about that insane moment. Lol

  6. To Erica's question, first I think it'd be better to phrase it like: If I HAD to choose one or two people I wouldn't mind seeing killed off, who would it be? That would be a lot less heart-wrenching than choosing only one or two to live lol.

    Secondly, to answer that, I would have to say Cersei and Little Finger. Boom! Done 😅. Uhhhh, but for the harder question 🤔😳😣, if I can only choose one or two (guarantees) I hope survive? Siiiiigh 😭, it would have to be…🤧
    Jon and Daenerys 😔🤞🤞

  7. I agree with Erica, I don't see the allure with Jaime 😕… other than his quick wit and sense of humor (much like Tyrion). You got to see it the most during his time around Bronn or even Brienne (who I DO want him to see again 🤗). But other than that? Yeah, ehh. lol

  8. As much as I enjoyed your discussion, I totally disagree on Tyrion becoming the final winner of the throne. He does not desire the throne. He just desires to be treated with respect and given a chance to hold a title and show his worth. He also said last season that he wanted to live quietly on his on vineyard. And yes Little Finger will die…I think this season. I believe that Cersei, Jamie, Bran, Brienne, Bron, Yara, Tormund, and all the Sand people will bite it before the end of the final season.

  9. My prediction. dany & jon will most likely get married & rule together. the only thing is when jon's heritage will be revealed either just before & just after the wedding. then the two targaryens live almost happily ever after. TV show Stannis is nowhere near to book Stannis. Also Arya will last until the end as she is GRRM wife's favorite character & she made him promise not to kill her off. Not everyone with Targaryen blood goes nuts. There were regular people & of course some crazy ones.

  10. Jon Snow is still a bastard as far as we know, he's just not Ned Stark's bastard and his actual name is Jon Sand (Bastards born in the South are called Sand whereas those born in the North are Snow).

  11. Imon, not sure if you still see comments this late after posting but came back just in case. Had to give you a heads up. If you want a mindblowingly insane breakdown of this trailer complete with crazy sleuthing and deep speculation go to Val's Because Geek channel and watch her breakdown video for this trailer. I highly recommend it. Like "go watch it now" highly. lol. Hope you see it and enjoy. It is pretty awesome and will only whet your appetite for this season even more. TTFN ✌

  12. You're asking who Jon strikes down with his sword at the end… I think GOT are repeating the story of the "last hero" which is a story old nan tells to bran. The hero goes out with twelve companions, a dog and a sword. by the end of the journey he lost them all. If you look at the circle of men in what seems like a blizzard there are 12 of them. which let you know the fate of all the men who follow Jon North. what's worse is if Ghost goes with him…but the guy that Jon cuts down may just be one of his dead companions freshly risen by the nights king…..just a theory.

  13. Dragonstone is the Targarian Ancestral home. It was given to Stanis by Robert after the Mad King was killed. Danny is taking back her family's home before she goes to take back the seven kingdoms. A home made of Dragon Glass…….

  14. One thing I saw (my pov) is that Tyrion is at the top of a rock looking at something, and we know it's a dragon, as we saw in the previous trailer. I thing he's alone up there because he's about to try to learn how to fly one of the dragons. The scene where the creature looks into the camera is pretty​ much the same scene . Tyrion is looking up, terrified, at the dragon he once got close to when the beast was chained in the dungeon.

    So I think Tyrion is gonna learn how to ride a damn dragon.

  15. Great video.
    Regarding skits: There are three of you. There are three dragons. Just saying'
    Regarding the "lone wolf" quote: Arya is the only Stark who is alone in the trailers. In nature, a single wolf who tries to take down a grizzly bear or moose or bison will likely die. But a pack of wolves can take those down in a coordinated attack. Perhaps it's not a death prediction, but just a plan of action.
    Hoping Arya, the Hound and Theon survive the series so they can star in a spinoff. Remember that Arya told Lady Crain she wanted to see what's "west of Westeros." So the spinoff would be adventures of Arya, the Hound and Theon (who would be the ship captain while Yara was ruling the Iron Islands).


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